c# - 数组元素的反向波兰表示法。 (例如 : array_name[i, j])

标签 c# regex algorithm stack rpn

我需要将 array_name[i, i*k, i-k] 等表达式转换为逆波兰表示法。 我基本上在做的是尝试翻译这样的表达式: if(array_name[i, j+k]>=a+b) array_name[i, j*k] = a+2; else x = a / b; 使用正则表达式进入 RPN。 我已经有一个非常丑陋的巨大正则表达式,它匹配:if, else, + - * / = == ( ) <= >= < > !=以及所有匹配此模式的单词:[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9_]* .而且我还有将中缀算术表达式转换为 RPN 的代码。在这里:

/// <summary>
/// Returns the collection of all the lexemes of the expression 
/// using Regex.
/// The Regex created works fine with 'if else' constructions and is good 
///any variable name possible in C#, with arithmetical expressions, 
///like +, -, /, and all the boolean operators.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String expression in infix notation.</param>
/// <returns>Collection of all the lexemes of the expression</returns>
private static MatchCollection GetMatchCollection(string input)
    var rx =
        new Regex(
    return rx.Matches(input);

/// <summary>
/// Translates the infix expression into RPN
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">String expression in infix notation.</param>
/// <returns>RPN expression</returns>
public static string Translate(string input)
    var mc = GetMatchCollection(input);

    var id = new Regex(@"[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9_]*"); // regex for identifiers
    var num = new Regex(@"\d+\.?\d*"); // regex for decimals
    var skobki = new Regex(@"\(|\)"); // regex for braces
    object[] operators =
        "(", ")", "else", "*", "/", "+", "-", "=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "&&",
        "||", "if"
    }; // operators by priority

    var opers = new Regex(@"\(|\)|\+|\-|\*|\/|<=?|>=?|!=|=|&&|\|\|\bif\b|\belse\b"); // regex for operators

    var stOper = new Stack();
    var expr = new ArrayList();
    foreach (Match m in mc)
        var m1 = id.Match(m.Value);
        if (m1.Success) { expr.Add(m1.Value); continue; }
        m1 = num.Match(m.Value);
        if (m1.Success) { expr.Add(m1.Value); continue; }
        m1 = skobki.Match(m.Value);
        if (m1.Success)
            if (m1.Value == "(") { stOper.Push(m1.Value); continue; }
            var op = stOper.Pop().ToString();
            while (op != "(")
                op = stOper.Pop().ToString();
        m1 = opers.Match(m.Value);
        if (m1.Success)
                while (Array.IndexOf(operators, m1.Value) > Array.IndexOf(operators, stOper.Peek()))
                    if (stOper.Peek().ToString() == "(") break;
            catch (Exception)
                // stack is empty
    while (stOper.Count != 0)

    // Make the RPN expression string 
    // from the ArrayList expr.
    var res = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (var s in expr)
        res.Append(s).Append(' ');
    return res.ToString();

我如何修改代码来制作方法 public static string Translate(string input)将像 array_name[i,k*i-1] 这样的简单表达式转换成 RPN 表达式?

请注意,public static string Translate(string input)方法仅适用于简单的算术表达式,但不适用于我上面提供的表达式(if-else 语句)。


正则表达式不是要走的路。 Parse它,可能利用了一些 parser generator , 变成 abstract syntax tree并将其输出到RPN中,即trivial .

关于c# - 数组元素的反向波兰表示法。 (例如 : array_name[i, j]),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28480507/


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