algorithm - 反转完美二叉树的交替级别

标签 algorithm recursion tree


Given a Perfect Binary Tree, reverse the alternate level nodes of the binary tree.

Given tree: 
            /     \
           b       c
         /  \     /  \
        d    e    f    g
       / \  / \  / \  / \
       h  i j  k l  m  n  o 

Modified tree:
            /     \
           c       b
         /  \     /  \
        d    e    f    g
       / \  / \  / \  / \
      o  n m  l k  j  i  h 

来自 this site 的解决方案 3提供了一个特别优雅的解决方案,它在树的偶数层的节点上使用交换方法:void

preorder(struct Node *root1, struct Node* root2, int lvl)
    // Base cases
    if (root1 == NULL || root2==NULL)

    // Swap subtrees if level is even
    if (lvl%2 == 0)
        swap(root1->key, root2->key);

    // Recur for left and right subtrees (Note : left of root1
    // is passed and right of root2 in first call and opposite
    // in second call.
    preorder(root1->left, root2->right, lvl+1);
    preorder(root1->right, root2->left, lvl+1);

// This function calls preorder() for left and right children
// of root
void reverseAlternate(struct Node *root)
   preorder(root->left, root->right, 0);


Inorder Traversal of given tree
h d i b j e k a l f m c n g o 

Inorder Traversal of modified tree
h d i b j e k a l f m c n g o 

出于某种原因,这篇文章的作者没有意识到这个问题并将其作为最终解决方案,因为它是我假设的三种方法中最短的一种。帖子中的方法 2 较长,但它会产生正确的输出。



Is there a bug with the solution that is causing the output for both versions of the tree to be the same?

算法没有错误。错误在于 main 函数从不调用 reverseAlternate(),因此它只是将同一棵树打印两次。

Add the missing call (链接中的第 76 行),它运行良好。

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