json - 使用golang将treenode保存为json文件?

标签 json tree go

我想将一些树节点数据保存为 json,以便我可以在 Web 客户端中使用它。原始数据如下所示:

id  parentId    name        leaf
001 000 root            0
002 001 Shooping        0
003 002 Housewares  0
004 003 Kitchen     1
005 003 Officer     1
006 002 Remodeling  0
007 006 Retile kitchen  1
008 006 Paint bedroom   1
009 008 Ceiling         1   
010 006 Other       1
011 001 Misc        1

我希望 json 文件看起来像这样。

  "name": "root", 
  "children": [
      "name": "Shopping", 
      "children": [
          "name": "Housewares",
          "children": [
              "name": "Kitchen",
              "leaf": "1"
              "name": "Officer",
              "leaf": "1"
          "name": "Remodeling",
          "children": [
              "name": "Retile kitchen",
              "leaf": "1"
              "name": "Paint bedroom",
              "children": [
                  "name": "Ceiling",
                  "leaf": "1"
              "name": "Other",
              "leaf": "1"
      "name": "Misc",
      "leaf": "1"

到目前为止,我已经有了这段代码,但我对 AddtoJson() 函数感到困惑。

package main
import (
type Node struct {
    ID string
    Name    string `json:"name"`
    Children []*Node  `json:"children"`
    Leaf  string    `json:"leaf"`
var rootNode *Node
func SaveTreetoJson(node []Node, parent string, depth int) {
    for _, r := range node {
        if r.parentID == parent {
            for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
                AddtoJson(rootNode)//how to deal with the "AddtoJson" function  and the rootNode?
            fmt.Print(r.Name, "\n\n")
            SaveTreetoJson(node, r.ID, depth+1)

func main() {
    data := []Node{
{"007","006","Retile kitchen","1"},
{"008","006","Paint bedroom","1"},
    SaveTreetoJson(data, "root", 0)
 bytes, _:= json.Marshal(rootNode)



类似于 this 的内容:

type Node struct {
    Id       string  `json:"-"`
    ParentId string  `json:"-"`
    Name     string  `json:"name"`
    Leaf     string  `json:"leaf,omitempty"`
    Children []*Node `json:"children,omitempty"`

func (this *Node) Size() int {
    var size int = len(this.Children)
    for _, c := range this.Children {
        size += c.Size()
    return size

func (this *Node) Add(nodes... *Node) bool {
    var size = this.Size();
    for _, n := range nodes {
        if n.ParentId == this.Id {
            this.Children = append(this.Children, n)
        } else { 
            for _, c := range this.Children {
                if c.Add(n) {
    return this.Size() == size + len(nodes)

关于json - 使用golang将treenode保存为json文件?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23195899/


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