java - 找到列表中最接近的数字

标签 java algorithm list

我有一个教室列表和一个学生组列表。每个教室只能招收 x 名学生。我想为每组学生找到最好的教室。


List<Classroom> classRooms = new ArrayList<>();

classRooms .add(new Classroom("Lecture Room 1", 40));  
classRooms .add(new Classroom("Lecture Room 2", 32));
classRooms .add(new Classroom("Lecture Room 3", 80));
classRooms .add(new Classroom("Lecture Room 4", 50));
classRooms .add(new Classroom("Lecture Room 5", 26));

Classroom 类是基本类,构造函数为 (classroomname,maxCapicity) 然后我有一个学生团体的列表

List<StudentGroup> studentGroups= new ArrayList<>();

studentGroups.add(new StudentGroup("Group 1", 70));  
studentGroups.add(new StudentGroup("Group  2", 40));
studentGroups .add(new StudentGroup("Group  3", 10));
studentGroups.add(new StudentGroup("Group  4", 45));

如果一个小组被分配到一个教室,教室应该不再可用。构建的学生组看起来类似于教室,其中 (groupname,totalStudents)

我看了这个Most efficient way to find the nearest number in a list但我不喜欢使用整数列表(教室大小),然后每次都从列表中删除。有更好的选择吗?



Collections.sort(courseList, (a, b) ->         a.getStudentCount().compareTo(b.getStudentCount()));
     Collections.sort(classList, (a, b) -> a.getMaxStudente().compareTo(b.getMaxStudente()));

    // more course than classes
    if (courseList.size() > classList.size()) {

    } else { // more clases than courses

        for (int i = 0; i < courseList.size(); i++) {
            courseList.get(i).setDedicatedKlas(classList.get(i + 1));


首先,您需要对教室和小组进行排序。接下来,您需要将最大的团队和地点带到最大的教室。在下一次迭代中,将第二组带到第二个教室。 对于一些大的团体,你不能上课

classRooms = Collections.sort(classRooms , new Comparator<Classroom>() {
    public int compare(Classroom o1, Classroom o2)
        return o1.getSize() < o2.getSize();

studentGroups = Collections.sort(studentGroups, new Comparator<StudentGroup>() {
    public int compare(StudentGroup o1, StudentGroup o2)
        return o1.getSize() < o2.getSize();

int classRoomIndex = 0;
for(StudentGroup group : groups){
    while(classRoomIndex < classRooms.size()){
        Classroom classRoom = classRooms.get(classRoomIndex++);
        if(classRoom.getSize() >= group.getSize())
            // place group to classroom
    if(classRoomIndex == classRooms.size()){
        // no classrooms for groups
        notInClass.addAll(groups.subList(groups.indexOf(group), groups.size()));

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