algorithm - 遍历包含链接循环的目录树的有效方法

标签 algorithm filesystems symlink directory-walk symlink-traversal



symlink "parent" -> ".."
symlink "uh_oh" -> "/"
regular file "reg"
symlink "reg2" -> "reg"




理论上,您可以从 stafvfs 中获取“文件系统 ID”接口(interface),但实际上并不完全可移植。从 Linux 发行版中引用 man statfs:

Nobody knows what f_fsid is supposed to contain…

…The general idea is that f_fsid contains some random stuff such that the pair (f_fsid,ino) uniquely determines a file. Some operating systems use (a variation on) the device number, or the device number combined with the filesystem type. Several OSes restrict giving out the f_fsid field to the superuser only (and zero it for unprivileged users), because this field is used in the filehandle of the filesystem when NFS-exported, and giving it out is a security concern.

后一种限制——f_fsid 对非特权用户显示为 0——并不违反上面引用的 Posix 标准,因为该标准包含一个非常通用的 disclaimer。 : "未指定 statvfs 结构的所有成员是否在所有文件系统上都具有有意义的值。"

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