java - 在一组范围中查找连接范围

标签 java algorithm



1 -> 3
4 -> 5
7 -> 8
13 -> 15
16 -> 16


1 -> 5
7 -> 8
13 -> 16



class Range{         
     int start , end;

     public Range(int start , int end){
          this.start = start;
          this.end = end;

public static void join(List<Range> ranges){
     //sort the list ascending for easier comparison
     Collections.sort(ranges , (r1 , r2) -> {
          if(r1 < r2)return -1;
          else if(r1 > r2)return 1;
          else return 0;

     int tmp = 1; //counter for the position in the list
     while(tmp < ranges.size()){
          if(ranges.get(tmp).start < ranges.get(tmp - 1).end){
                //the range at position tmp intersects with the previous 
                //one -> replace with the joined ranges
                Range r = new Range(ranges.get(tmp - 1).start , ranges.get(tmp).end);
                ranges.remove(tmp - 1);
                ranges.add(r , tmp - 1);
                tmp++;//this pair (tmp - 1 / tmp) doesn't intersect -> next pair

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