c++ - spimi算法误解

标签 c++ algorithm dictionary indexing information-retrieval

我正在尝试用 C++ 实现单 channel 内存索引器


  output_file = NEWFILE() 
  dictionary = NEWHASH() 

  while (free memory available) 
     token ← next(token_stream)
     if term(token) ∈ dictionary
        then postings_list = ADDTODICTIONARY(dictionary, term(token)) 
        else postings_list=GETPOSTINGSLIST(dictionary,term(token))
     if full(postings_list)
        then postings_list = DOUBLEPOSTINGSLIST(dictionary, term(token))

     ADDTOPOSTINGSLIST(postings_list, docID(token)) 
  sorted_terms ← SORTTERMS(dictionary)  
  return output_file

假设我进行了所有解析并将所有文档转换为标记 流,其中标记term,doc_id

http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/single-pass-in-memory-indexing-1.html表示为每个 block 调用 SPIMI-INVERT 函数。


  • 我们逐 block 读取流,所以现在我有一个 block 并且 通过 SPIMI-INVERT 函数将其作为参数发送
  • 该函数对字典的标记进行一些处理

somehow ( maybe because the dictionary is too big) we don't have free memory anymore when we are in the while loop.

  • 算法打破循环,将当前字典写入 磁盘。

But from outside world (as a caller of the function) I have no idea if the block that I send it as an argument processed totally or not. Don't you think that there is something wrong here?




token stream is a file that includes tokens(term , doc-id pair)

while (there is token in token stream)
      dict = new dictionary()
      while(there is free memory available)
            token = next_token()
      delete dict

//Assuming posting list is dynamically sized and dictionary knows if a term exist. 

Here我用 C++ 实现了它,可能会有用

关于c++ - spimi算法误解,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40986075/


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