ios - 假设 x,y,z 是我需要实现的类的属性 total = x+y+z 并且我创建的每个对象的总数应该不同

标签 ios swift algorithm

我有一个 Player 类,它具有三个 Int 属性和 totalAbilityScore 属性,用于计算这三个 Int 属性的总和。

private var strength : Int?
private var speed : Int?
private var agility : Int?
private var totalAbilityScore : Int?

我的挑战是创建 15 个玩家对象,并且没有两个玩家的总属性得分(速度 + 力量 + 敏捷 = 总属性得分)相同,总得分小于 100。

我尝试生成 15 个唯一的随机数并使用以下代码存储在数组中。现在我的问题是,从数组中的每个变量生成其他两个不同变量的可能方法是什么,以便这些总和应小于 100 并与数组中的其他数字不同。

func randomNumber(between lower: Int, and upper: Int) -> Int {
    return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(upper - lower))) + lower

func generateRandomUniqueNumbers(forLowerBound lower: Int, andUpperBound upper:Int, andNumNumbers iterations: Int) -> [Int] {
    guard iterations <= (upper - lower) else { return [] }
    var numbers: Set<Int> = Set<Int>()
    (0..<iterations).forEach { _ in
        let beforeCount = numbers.count
        repeat {
            numbers.insert(randomNumber(between: lower, and: upper))
        } while numbers.count == beforeCount
    return{ $0 }



struct Player {
    let strength : Int
    let speed : Int
    let agility : Int
    var totalAbilityScore: Int {
        return strength + speed + agility


func generatePlayers(n: Int) -> [Player] {
    var possibleTotals = Array(0..<100)
    var players: [Player] = []
    // make totals a set so it wont rpeat
    var totals: Set<Int> = []
    // loop while totals count it is not reached
    while totals.count < n {
        // pick a random index and remove it
        let index = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(possibleTotals.count)))
        possibleTotals.remove(at: index)
    // loop through your totals
    for total in totals {
        // make sure you have enough elements to pick two index to split your array from 0 to 99
        if total > 2 {
            // make your indexes a set so it wont repeat
            var indexes: Set<Int> = []
            let array = Array(0..<total)
            while indexes.count < 2 {
                let index = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(total)))
            // sort your indexes
            let sortedIndices = indexes.sorted()
            // create 3 array slices
            let a1 = array[0..<sortedIndices[0]]
            let a2 = array[sortedIndices[0]..<sortedIndices[1]]
            let a3 = array[sortedIndices[1]..<array.endIndex]
            // initialize your player with the slices count
            print(total, [a1.count, a2.count, a3.count])
            players.append(Player(strength: a1.count, speed: a2.count, agility: a3.count))
            // take care of very small totals like 0,1 or 2
        } else if total == 2 {
            var values = [0, 1, 1]
            values.indices.dropLast().forEach {
                values.swapAt($0, Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(values.count - $0))) + $0)
            players.append(Player(strength: values[0], speed: values[1], agility: values[2]))
        } else if total == 1 {
            var values = [0, 0, 1]
            values.indices.dropLast().forEach {
                values.swapAt($0, Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(values.count - $0))) + $0)
            players.append(Player(strength: values[0], speed: values[1], agility: values[2]))
        } else  {
            players.append(Player(strength: 0, speed: 0, agility: 0))
    return players


let players = generatePlayers(n: 15)


68 [7, 55, 6]

[0, 0, 0]

37 [4, 16, 17]

32 [17, 7, 8]

72 [0, 52, 20]

22 [13, 7, 2]

70 [28, 30, 12]

18 [2, 4, 12]

9 [4, 2, 3]

39 [6, 32, 1]

31 [18, 2, 11]

92 [53, 12, 27]

81 [36, 31, 14]

98 [65, 9, 24]

关于ios - 假设 x,y,z 是我需要实现的类的属性 total = x+y+z 并且我创建的每个对象的总数应该不同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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