java - 在旋转排序数组中查找具有重复元素的元素

标签 java arrays algorithm sorting



[2,5,6,0,0,1,2], 目标 = 0 输出:真 [2,5,6,0,0,1,2], target = 3 输出: false

    public int search(int[] nums, int target) {
        if(nums.length== 0) return -1;

        int left= 0; int right= nums.length -1;

        // find the pivot element i.e, the one that breaks the sorted order of the array
        while(left< right){
            int mid= left+ (right- left)/ 2;
            // if mid< right that means this much part of the array is sorted
            // then do binary search on left and mid
            if(nums[mid]< nums[right])
                right= mid;
            // if mid> right that means this part of the array is not sorted
            // then do binary search on mid+1 to right
                left= mid+ 1;
        int pivot= left;
        int index= -1;
        // if target is between pivot till end then call binary search on that
        if(target>= nums[pivot] && target<= nums[nums.length- 1]){
            index= binarySearch(nums, target, pivot, nums.length- 1);
        // if target is between start and pivot then call binary search on that
            index= binarySearch(nums, target, 0, pivot -1);

        return index;

    // binary search returning index of the mid element
    public int binarySearch(int[] nums, int target, int s, int e){
        while(s<= e){
            int mid= s + (e-s)/ 2;
            if(nums[mid]== target)
                return mid;
            else if(target> nums[mid])
                s= mid+ 1;
                e= mid -1;
        return -1;


您的算法中的问题在于,当其值重复时,您不确定是否找到了准确的主元。 例如,对于数组 [8,9,2,2,4,5,6],您的算法将第 4 个位置的元素作为主元(从 0 开始计数是元素 3)。 这样,数组的左侧部分将是未排序的 [8,9,2],因此二进制搜索不起作用。

一个非常简单的解决方案是找到两个枢轴(我们称之为 left_pivot 和 right_pivot)。 right_pivot 正是您已经找到的那个,它被定义为“具有数组最低值的元素”。\ left_pivot 被定义为“具有数组最高值的元素”,您可以通过简单的修改找到:

       while(left< right){
            int mid= left+ (right- left)/ 2;
            if (mid * 2 < right)
                mid = mid + 1
            // if mid< right that means this much part of the array is sorted
            // then do binary search on left and mid
            if(nums[mid]< nums[right])
                right= mid-1;
            // if mid> right that means this part of the array is not sorted
            // then do binary search on mid+1 to right
                left= mid;

然后在数组的左侧部分进行二分查找,从索引 0 到索引 left_pivot(而不是 pivot-1),在数组右侧从索引 right_pivot 到 length-1 进行二分查找

关于java - 在旋转排序数组中查找具有重复元素的元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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