algorithm - 如何在 Haskell 中实现 ThiSTLEthwaite 算法?

标签 algorithm haskell

我正尝试在 Haskell 中实现 ThiSTLethwaite 的算法,按照找到的描述 here , 但遇到了困难。



--To intersect lists, of which the sizes are not very large, I chose to import the Data.List
import Data.List

--Some type declarations
data Colors = R | B | W | Y | G | O
type R3 = (Int, Int, Int)
type Cube = R3 -> Colors
points :: [R3] --list of coordinates of facelets of a cube; there are 48 of them.
mU :: Cube -> Cube --and other 5 moves.
type Actions = [Cube -> Cube]
turn :: Cube -> Actions -> Cube --chains the actions and turns the cube.
edges :: [R3] --The edges of cubes

criterion :: Colors -> R3 -> Bool -- determine if the edges are mis-placed.
criterion co p@(x, y, z) = case co of --W and Y are up and down faces respectively.
 R -> not (or [abs(x) == 3, abs(y) == 3])
 B -> not (or [abs(y) == 3, abs(z) == 3])
 O -> not (or [abs(x) == 3, abs(y) == 3])
 G -> not (or [abs(y) == 3, abs(z) == 3])
 _ -> True

stage1 :: Cube -> Cube 
stage1 c = turn c opes where
    wrongs = do
            res <- [[]]
            eg <- edges
            if criterion (c eg) eg
              then res
              else res ++ [eg]
    ups = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == 3) points
    downs = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == -3) points
    middles = filter (\(x, y, z) -> y == 0) points
    opes = do
         res <- [[]]
         case length (intersect middles wrongs) of
         0 -> case [length (intersect ups wrongs) == 0, length (intersect downs wrongs) == 0] of
            [True, True] -> res
            [True, False] -> [mD] --A quarter turn of the downside of the cube.
            [False, True] -> [mU]
            _ -> [mD, mU]
         1 -> let [(x, y, z)] = intersect middles wrongs in
                if x == 3 then case [length (intersect ups wrongs) == 0, length (intersect downs wrongs) == 0] of
                    [True, True] -> if z > 0 then [mR, mU] else [mR, mD]
                    [True, False] -> if z > 0 then [mD, mR, mU] else [mD, mR, mD]
                    [False, True] -> if z > 0 then [mU, mR, mU] else [mU, mR, mD]
                    _ -> if z > 0 then [mD, mU, mR, mU] else [mD, mU, mR, mD]
                else []

然后我意识到上面的代码是错误的,因为我不能简单地转四分之一圈 U 或 D 使正确的边缘(如果有的话)变得不正确,我将根据如何讨论 125 = 5 * 5 * 5 的情况立方体的三层每一层都有很多错误的边缘,我认为这不“正确”。




附言我本来想实现 Korf 或 Kociemba 的算法,结果证明我连最简单的情况都无法处理。



wrongs = do
        res <- [[]]
        eg <- edges
        if criterion (c eg) eg
          then res
          else res ++ [eg]

最好写成 filter (\eg -> not (criterion (c eg) eg)) edges

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