algorithm - k-means 中的初始质心

标签 algorithm math k-means


Start with the center of all points. Choose successively the point that is the furthest away from all centers as a center for the next cluster.


center = 所有点的平均值

centroid1 = 离中心最远的点

centroid2 = 离中心 AND centroid1 最远的点

centroid3 = 离中心最远的点 AND centroid1 和 centroid2。

我的问题是,我应该如何计算离中心和质心 1 最远的点?我是否平均它们然后选择离中间最远的点?我是否计算与 center 和 centroid1 的最大距离点并选择更远的一个?如果是这样,centroid3 不会等于 centroid1 或 2 吗?


在本文档中 Centroids Initialization for K-Means Clustering using Improved Pillar Algorithm最远意味着总和。因此,在第二步中,您需要将与第一个质心的距离与距离形成每个点的所有点的平均值相加,然后选择最大的一个。


2. Calculate D <- dis(X, m)
6. Set i = 1 as counter to determine the i-th initial centroid
7. DM = DM + D
8. Select x <- xargmax(DM) as the candidate for i-th initial centroids

To select a next x for the candidate of the rest initial centroids, Di (where i is the current iteration step) is recalculated between each data points and ci-1 . The Di is then added to the accumulated distance metric DM (DM <- DM + Di).

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