c++ - 二进制搜索插入字符字符串。错误在哪里?

标签 c++ algorithm sorting binary-search

我有一个字符串数组。我必须通过二进制搜索算法在字符串数组中找到一个 char 字符串。如果有这个字符串,那么函数必须返回位置并返回 true,否则该函数必须返回位置以在数组中插入字符串和 false。 我有一个错误,但我不知道在哪里 ((


bool Binary_search ( char * arr_strings[], int & position, const char * search_string )
    int start = 0 ;
    int end = 10 - 1; // arr_strings [10]
    int for_compare;
    int middle;

    while ( start <= end )
        middle = ( start + end ) / 2;
        for_compare = strcmp ( arr_strings[middle], search_string  );

        if ( for_compare > 0 )
            start = middle + 1;
        else if ( for_compare < 0 )
            end = middle - 1;
            // if search_string is found in array, then function return position in array of strings and return true
            position = middle;
            return true;
    // if search_string is not found in array, then function must return position for insert string and return false 
    position = middle;
    return false;



if ( for_compare > 0 )
    end = middle - 1;
else if ( for_compare < 0 )
    start = middle + 1;

关于c++ - 二进制搜索插入字符字符串。错误在哪里?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15891661/


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