计算最多 18 位的素数优化

标签 c algorithm optimization primes sieve

我在学校有一个任务,要在 2 分钟内数出最多 10^18 个素数,而且要使用的内存不超过 2 GB。对于第一次尝试,我实现了一个分段筛,并进行了以下优化:

  • 使用 32 位整数将素数存储在一个分段的位中
  • 没有存储奇数
  • 将筛分成大小为 sqrt(n) 的部分
  • 在标记复合素数时对它们进行计数,这样我就不必再次循环筛子了
  • 使用动态内存分配来存储第一个质数直到 sqrt(n)(在这种情况下,我在 C 中创建了一个队列来存储质数)

问题是在我的电脑上(它有相当不错的规范)计算素数最多 10^9 需要 13 秒,因此 10^18 需要几天时间。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef   signed          char  int8_t;
typedef   signed     short int int16_t;
typedef   signed           int int32_t;
typedef   signed long long int int64_t;

typedef unsigned          char  uint8_t;
typedef unsigned     short int uint16_t;
typedef unsigned           int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long long int uint64_t;

#define  SIZE 32 
#define DEBUG

#define  KRED "\x1B[31m"
#define  KGRN "\x1B[32m"
#define  KYEL "\x1B[33m"
#define  KBLU "\x1B[34m"
#define  KMAG "\x1B[35m"
#define  KCYN "\x1B[36m"
#define  KWHT "\x1B[37m"
#define RESET "\033[0m"

struct node {
    uint64_t     data;
    struct node* next;

struct queue {
    struct node* first;
    struct node* last;
    uint32_t     size; 

typedef struct node  Node;
typedef struct queue Queue;

/* Queue model */
uint8_t enqueue(Queue* queue, int64_t value) {
    Node* node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node*));

    if (node == NULL)
        return 0;

    node->data = value;
    if (queue->last)
        queue->last->next = node;

    queue->last = node;
    if (queue->first == NULL)
        queue->first = queue->last;

    return 1;

uint64_t dequeue(Queue* queue) {
    Node*         node = queue->first;
    uint64_t save_data = node->data;

    if (queue->size == 0)
        return 0;

    queue->first = queue->first->next;

    return save_data;

Node* queue_peek(Queue* queue) {
    return queue->first;

uint32_t queue_size(Queue* queue) {
    return queue->size;

Queue* init_queue() {
    Queue* queue = (Queue*)malloc(sizeof(Queue*));

    queue->first = queue->last = NULL;
    queue->size  = 0;

    return queue;

/* Working with bit arrays functions */
uint8_t count_set_bits(uint64_t nbr) {
    uint8_t count = 0;

    while (nbr) {
        nbr &= (nbr - 1);

    return count;

uint8_t get_bit(uint32_t array[], uint32_t position) {
    const uint64_t mask = 1U << (position % SIZE);

    return array[position / SIZE] & mask ? 1 : 0;

void clear_bit(uint32_t array[], uint32_t position) {
    const uint64_t mask = ~(1U << (position % SIZE));

    array[position / SIZE] &= mask;

void set_bit(uint32_t array[], uint32_t position) {
    array[position / SIZE] |= (1U << (position % SIZE));

/* Solve the problem */
Queue* initial_sieve(uint64_t limit) {
    Queue*   queue   = init_queue();
    uint64_t _sqrt   = (uint64_t)sqrt(limit);
    uint32_t *primes = (uint32_t*)calloc(_sqrt / SIZE + 1, sizeof(uint32_t));

    set_bit(primes, 0);
    // working with reversed logic, otherwise primes should all me initialized to max uiint64_t

    enqueue(queue, 2);
    for (uint64_t number = 3; number <= _sqrt; number += 2) {
        if (get_bit(primes, number / 2) == 0) {
            enqueue(queue, number);

            for (uint64_t position = number * number; position <= _sqrt; position += (number * 2)) {    
                set_bit(primes, position / 2);
            set_bit(primes, number / 2);

    return queue;

uint64_t count_primes(uint64_t limit) {
    uint64_t start, end, delta;
    uint64_t non_primes_counter, initial_size;
    uint32_t *current_sieve;
    Queue* queue;

    queue = initial_sieve(limit);
    initial_size = queue->size;
    start = delta = (uint64_t)sqrt(limit);
    end   = 2 * start;
    non_primes_counter = 0;

    printf("Limits: %llu -> %llu\n", start, end);
    while (start < limit) {
        Node*    prime = queue->first->next; // pass 2 since only odd maps are represented in the sieve
        uint64_t count = 0;

        current_sieve = (uint32_t*)calloc(delta / SIZE + 1, sizeof(uint32_t));
        // memset(current_sieve, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * delta);

        while (prime != NULL) {
            uint64_t first_composite = start / prime->data * prime->data;

            // calculate the first multiple of the given prime in the interval
            if (first_composite < start)
                first_composite += prime->data;
            if ((first_composite & 1) == 0)
                first_composite += prime->data;

            // set all the composites of the current prime in the given interval
            for (uint64_t number = first_composite; number <= end; number += (prime->data) * 2) {
                const uint64_t position = (number - start) / 2;

                if (get_bit(current_sieve, position) == 0) {
                    set_bit(current_sieve, position);

            // free(current_sieve);
            prime = prime->next;

        non_primes_counter += count;
        start += delta;
        end   += delta;

        if (end > limit)
            end = limit;

    uint64_t total = (limit - delta + 1) / 2 - non_primes_counter;

    printf("%sTotal composites and initial size: %llu %llu %s\n", KCYN, non_primes_counter, initial_size, RESET);
    printf("%sTotal primes: %llu %s\n", KCYN, total, RESET);
    return queue->size + (limit  - delta + 1) / 2 - non_primes_counter;

/* Main */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    clock_t begin, end;
    double  time;

    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("Invalid number of parameters\n");
        printf("Program will exit now.\n");
        return 0;

    begin = clock();
    printf("%sNumber of primes found up to %s%s: %s%llu.\n%s", KWHT, KCYN, argv[1], KYEL, count_primes(atoll(argv[1])), RESET);
    end     = clock();
    time    = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("%sTotal time elapsed since the starting of the program: %s%lf seconds.\n%s", KWHT, KYEL, time, RESET);  
    return 0;



您需要计算质数的数量,而不是全部找出(数量太多)。这称为 Prime-counting function .

In mathematics, the prime-counting function is the function counting the number of prime numbers less than or equal to some real number x. It is denoted by π(x).

有很多方法可以计算这个函数。看这个Wolfram page与方法比较。两分钟之内完成这件事,似乎是一项艰巨的任务。

正如评论中提到的,还有一个很棒的 answer at math.stackexchange ,我认为这会有所帮助。

关于计算最多 18 位的素数优化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47475381/


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