java - Kadane 的算法中是否保留了足够的信息来返回实际的最大子数组或索引,而不仅仅是求和?

标签 java algorithm

这是 Kadane 算法的 Java 实现,用于查找具有最大和的连续子数组的和。

    static int maxSum(int[] arr) {
        int maxEndingHere = arr[0];
        int maxGlobal = arr[0];

        for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
            maxEndingHere = Math.max(arr[i], maxEndingHere + arr[i]);
            maxGlobal = Math.max(maxGlobal, maxEndingHere);
        return maxGlobal;



        int[] arr = {-57, -10000, -1, -4, -45, -6, -9, -19, -16, -17};

注意这里有一个类似的问题:How to return maximum sub array in Kadane's algorithm?




此问题是 Kadane 算法的直接扩展。 Kadane的算法如下:

for each item in arr:
    current_max = max(current_max + item, item)
    global_max = global_max(current_max, global_max)


for each item in arr:

    # updating current max and keeping track current of start and end indices
    current_max = max(current_max + item, item)
    if item is new current_max: set current_start_index to this index
    set current_end_index to this index

    # keep track of global start and end indices
    global_max = max(global_max, current_max)
    if global_max has been updated: 
        set global_start to current_start
        set global_end to current_end

Python 实现:

def maxSum(arr):

  cur_max = glob_max = float('-inf')
  glob_start = glob_end = cur_start = -1

  for index, item in enumerate(arr):

    if item > cur_max + item:
      cur_max = item
      cur_start = index
      cur_max += item

    if cur_max > glob_max:
      glob_max = cur_max
      glob_start = cur_start
      glob_end = index
  return arr[glob_start:glob_end+1]


arr = [-57, -10000, -1, -4, -45, -6, -9, -19, -16, -17]
arr = [-1, 2, -1, 20, -4, -5, -6, -9, -19, -16, -17]


[2, -1, 20]

请注意,如果您想考虑空的连续子数组,只需在末尾添加一个检查 - 如果全局最大值小于 0,则返回一个空数组。


def kadane(arr):
  a = b = float('-inf')
  for i in arr:
    a = max(i, a+i)
    b = max(a, b)

  return b

from random import random

for _ in range(10000):
  arr = [random()-0.5 for _ in range(50)]
  assert kadane(arr) == sum(maxSum(arr))

这将创建具有正数和负数的随机数组,并断言输出数组的总和等于 kadane 算法的常规版本的输出。 link with code

关于java - Kadane 的算法中是否保留了足够的信息来返回实际的最大子数组或索引,而不仅仅是求和?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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