c# - 转向行为 : Why is my wandering algorithm not working as intended?

标签 c# algorithm unity3d

我们正在学习我的人工智能游戏类(class)中的转向行为,我想我会尝试实现其中的一些行为。我主要是在阅读 The Nature of Code熟悉主题。

Here是我的 Unity 项目的存储库。相关场景在Assets/Scenes/Wandering.unity下。


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Wandering : MonoBehaviour
    public float maxSpeed;
    private float speed;
    public float maxForce;
    public float radius;
    private Rigidbody body;

    void Awake()
        body = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        speed = maxSpeed;
        body.velocity = new Vector3(5, 0, 5);

    void Update()
        // Get future position
        Vector3 futurePosition = GetFuturePosition();

        // Select random point on circle of radius "radius" around the future position
        Vector3 target = GeneratePointOnCircle(futurePosition);

        // Compute desired velocity as one pointing there
        Vector3 desiredVelocity = GetDesiredVelocity(target);

        // Get the steering force vector
        Vector3 steerForce = desiredVelocity - body.velocity;
        steerForce.y = 0;

        // Cap the force that can be applied (lower max force = more difficult to turn)
        if (Vector3.Magnitude(steerForce) > maxForce)
            steerForce = Vector3.Normalize(steerForce) * maxForce;

        // Apply the force to the body

    /* Returns a random point on a circle positioned at the given center and radius.
    Vector3 GeneratePointOnCircle(Vector3 center)
        Vector3 point = center;

        float angle = Random.Range(0, 360) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        point.x += radius * Mathf.Cos(angle);
        point.z += radius * Mathf.Sin(angle);

        return point;

    /* Computes and returns the future, predicted position of this object, assuming
     * it continues traveling in its current direction at its current speed.
    Vector3 GetFuturePosition()
        // We have a current velocity
        // We have a time elapsed
        // We have a current position
        // Future position = current position + current velocity * delta time

        return transform.position + body.velocity * Time.deltaTime;

    /* The desired velocity is simply the unit vector in the direction of the target
     * scaled by the speed of the object.
    Vector3 GetDesiredVelocity(Vector3 target)
        return Vector3.Normalize(target - transform.position) * speed;


  • 最大速度:40
  • 最大力量:20
  • 半径:60




问题似乎出在我使用 Time.deltaTime 来计算 future 的预测点(如果代理继续以当前速度运行的话)。

因为这实际上是自上次帧更新以来耗时,所以它是一个很小的数字。因此,使用它来预测 future 点具有误导性,并且会产生非常接近代理的点(因此出现“卡顿”行为)。

相反,我选择使用固定的“先行”时间(比如 2)来预测更远的 future 。

关于c# - 转向行为 : Why is my wandering algorithm not working as intended?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54660195/


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