algorithm - F# 中的广度优先搜索 (BFS)

标签 algorithm f# breadth-first-search

我想使用 BFS 实现搜索。该算法说我必须使用队列才能获得 FIFO 效果。 我读了克里斯·冈崎的Purely Functional Data Structures书并找到了如何创建队列(我使用 F# 编写):

type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list
let emtpy = [],[]
let isEmpty = function
    | [],_ -> true
    | _ -> false

let checkf = function
    | [],r -> List.rev r,[]
    | q -> q

let snoc (f,r) x = checkf (f,x :: r)

let head = function
    | ([],_) -> failwith "EMPTY"
    | (x::f,r) -> x

let tail = function
    | ([],_) -> failwith "EMPTY"
    | (x::f,r) -> checkf (f,r)

有人知道如何将其实现到 BFS 吗?


let data = [4;3;8;7;10;1;9;6;5;0;2]

type Tree<'a> = 
    | Node of Tree<'a> * 'a * Tree<'a>
    | Leaf

let rec insert tree element = 
    match element,tree with
    | x,Leaf        -> Node(Leaf,x,Leaf)
    | x,Node(l,y,r) when x <= y -> Node((insert l x),y,r)
    | x,Node(l,y,r) when x > y -> Node(l,y,(insert r x))
    | _ -> Leaf

let makeTree = List.fold insert Leaf data




Initialise the search by placing the starting vertex in the queue.
While the queue is not empty.
  Remove the front vertex from the queue.
  If this is a solution then we're finished -- report success.
  Otherwise, compute the immediate children of this vertex and enqueue them.
Otherwise we have exhausted the queue and found no solution -- report failure.

我的 F# 语法有点不稳定,但我将如何勾勒出解决方案:

bfs start = bfsLoop ([start], [])

bfsLoop q0 =
  if   isEmpty q0
  then failWith "No solution"
  else v = head q0
       if   isSolution v
       then v
       else q1 = tail q0
            vs = childrenOf v
            q = foldl snoc vs q1
            bfsLoop q


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