c++ - 丑陋的数字UVA

标签 c++ arrays algorithm


我正在尝试从 UVA 问题集中计算第 1500 个丑陋的数字。 136.



  • 跟踪数组un中的所有丑陋数字。
  • un[i] 为第 i+1 个丑数。


  1. 使用 tmp 变量 cur 保存第 ith<​​/em> 个丑数的索引。

  2. 计算 un[cur] x 2un[cur] x 3un[cur] x 5

  3. 使用集合消除重复项并将它们存储到un

  4. 对数组进行排序以确保 un[i+1] 始终尽可能最小。

  5. 增加 cur 变量,使其成为第 i+1 个丑数的索引。

  6. 重复直到数组中生成了1500个丑数。


# include<iostream>
# include<set>
# include<algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main(void) {
    long long un[1500] = { 0 };
    set<long long> us;
    un[0] = 1;
    int i = 1,unE = 0,cur = 0;

    while(true) {
        unE = 0;
        if(us.find(un[cur]*2) == us.end()) {
            un[i+unE] = un[cur]*2;
        if(i + unE > 1500 - 1) {
        if(us.find(un[cur]*3) == us.end()) {
            un[i+unE] = un[cur]*3;
        if(i + unE > 1500 - 1) {
        if(us.find(un[cur]*5) == us.end()) {
            un[i+unE] = un[cur]*5;

    for(int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) {
        cout << un[i] << " ";
    cout << un[1500-1] << endl;

我的算法没有输出正确的数字,即 859963392。我得到的是一个更大的数字。有人可以指出我正确的方向吗?


您的算法几乎是正确的,但错误在于您不应在生成 1500 个数字时停止,而是在“curr”达到第 1500 个数字时停止。之所以如此,是因为并非所有“curr”之后的丑陋数字都已生成,您只能确定在任何时候都拥有“curr”之前的所有丑陋数字。另一个优化算法的建议是对“curr”之后的所有数字使用堆,这样就不需要每次都对整个数组进行排序,也根本不需要使用集合。这是我的代码:

using namespace std;
vector<long long> un; //using vector because we don't know how many ugly numbers we will need to generate
//If we decide to use an array (the way you did) it is better to define it outside of main().
priority_queue<long long> nun; //priority queue used for storing the next ugly numbers
const int TARGET=1500; //always good to store magical numbers as constants instead of having them appear all over the code
int main()
    un.push_back(1); //adding the first ugly number
    for (int i=0;i<TARGET-1;++i)
    We have already found the first ugly number (1),
    so we only need to find TARGET-1 more.
        //adding the next ugly numbers to the heap
        Adding them as negative numbers because priority_queue
        keeps the largest number on the top and we need the smallest.
        while (-nun.top()==un[i])
            //removing duplicates
            We can prove that we will never have more than 3 copies
            of a number in the heap and thus that this will not
            affect the performance.
            1) We will never have more than one copy of a number in un.
            2) Each number can be added to nun in 3 different ways:
            by multiplying a number form un by 2, 3 or 5.
        //adding the next ugly number to un
    Indexing starts at 0 so the TARGETth number is at index TARGET-1.
    return 0;

我的程序确实输出了 859963392,正确答案。


using namespace std;
vector<long long> un; //using vector because we don't know how many ugly numbers we will need to generate
//If we decide to use an array (the way you did) it is better to define it outside of main().
const int TARGET=1500; //always good to store magical numbers as constants instead of having them appear all over the code
int l2=0,l3=0,l5=0; //store the indexes of the last numbers multiplied by 2, 3 and 5 respectively
int main()
    un.push_back(1); //adding the first ugly number
    for (int i=0;i<TARGET-1;++i)
    We have already found the first ugly number (1),
    so we only need to find TARGET-1 more.
        //adding the next ugly number to un
        if (un[i+1]==un[l2]*2) //checks if 2 multiplied by the number at index l2 has been included in un, if so, increment l2
        if (un[i+1]==un[l3]*3) //checks if 3 multiplied by the number at index l3 has been included in un, if so, increment l3
        if (un[i+1]==un[l5]*5) //checks if 5 multiplied by the number at index l5 has been included in un, if so, increment l5
        Basically only one of the variables l2, l3 and l5 (the one we used) will be incremented in a cycle unless we can get a number
        in more than one way, in which case incrementing more than one of them is how we avoid duplicates.
        Uncomment the commented code to observe this.
        P.S. @PaulMcKenzie I can deal without a debugger just fine.
        //cerr<<i<<": "<<l2<<"("<<un[l2]*2<<") "<<l3<<"("<<un[l3]*3<<") "<<l5<<"("<<un[l5]*5<<") "<<un[i+1]<<endl;
    Indexing starts at 0 so the TARGETth number is at index TARGET-1.
    return 0;

第一个解决方案甚至根本不需要 vector ,因为它不使用之前的数字。所以你可以通过使用单个变量来优化它。这是这样一个实现:

using namespace std;
long long un; //last ugly number found
priority_queue<long long> nun; //priority queue used for storing the next ugly numbers
const int TARGET=1500; //always good to store magical numbers as constants instead of having them appear all over the code
int main()
    un=1; //adding the first ugly number
    for (int i=0;i<TARGET-1;++i)
    We have already found the first ugly number (1),
    so we only need to find TARGET-1 more.
        //adding the next ugly numbers to the heap
        Adding them as negative numbers because priority_queue
        keeps the largest number on the top and we need the smallest.
        while (-nun.top()==un)
            //removing duplicates
            We can prove that we will never have more than 3 copies
            of a number in the heap and thus that this will not
            affect the performance.
            1) We will never have more than one copy of a number in un.
            2) Each number can be added to nun in 3 different ways:
            by multiplying a number form un by 2, 3 or 5.
        //adding the next ugly number to un
    Indexing starts at 0 so the TARGETth number is at index TARGET-1.
    return 0;

我们还可以通过释放 l2l3l5 的最小值后面的内存来优化线性解决方案以使用更少的内存。请注意,第三个解决方案和第二个解决方案的优化版本都使用次线性内存,因为 TARGET 趋于无穷大,因为在极限情况下,几乎所有难看的数字都可以被 2、3 和 5 整除。因此每次迭代我们将每个指针移动一个(因此 un 的长度不变)或者,在堆解决方案的情况下,我们将 3 个数字添加到堆中,然后从中弹出 3 个数字堆(因此堆的大小不会改变)。事实上,通过更仔细的分析,我们可以看到内存以 TARGET^(2/3) 的方式增长。

关于c++ - 丑陋的数字UVA,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38420581/


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