javascript - 算法 - 给定所有其他矩形的 x Axis 和 y Axis ,定位足够的空间来绘制一个矩形

标签 javascript algorithm canvas axis rectangles

每个矩形都有 x 和 y 坐标、宽度和高度。



我正在开发一个网络应用程序,用户可以使用鼠标在屏幕上绘制矩形。为此,我使用 Javascript 在 Canvas 元素上绘图。



enter image description here


enter image description here


enter image description here

我基本上需要的是一种算法(最好是在 JavaScript 中),它可以帮助找到足够的空间来绘制一个知道其 Axis 、高度和宽度的矩形。



这是我用来打包矩形的方法。我自己制作了 Sprite 表。





找到放置矩形的位置后,检查所有可用空间矩形,看看是否有任何矩形与新添加的矩形重叠。如果有任何重叠,您可以沿顶部、底部、左侧和右侧将其切片,从而产生最多 4 个新的空间矩形。执行此操作时会进行一些优化以减少矩形的数量,但无需优化也能正常工作。



下面是一个用随机矩形填充 Canvas 的演示。它在动画循环中显示该过程,因此速度非常慢。

灰色框适合。红色显示当前的间隔框。每个框都有 2 像素的边距。请参阅演示常量的代码顶部。

点击 Canvas 重新启动。

const boxes = [];  // added boxes
const spaceBoxes = []; // free space boxes
const space = 2;  // space between boxes
const minW = 4;   // min width and height of boxes
const minH = 4;
const maxS = 50;   // max width and height
// Demo only
const addCount = 2;  // number to add per render cycle

const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = canvas.height = 1024;

// create a random integer
const randI = (min, max = min + (min = 0)) => (Math.random() * (max - min) + min) | 0;
// itterates an array
const eachOf = (array, cb) => { var i = 0; const len = array.length; while (i < len && cb(array[i], i++, len) !== true ); };

// resets boxes
function start(){
    boxes.length = 0;
    spaceBoxes.length = 0;
        x : space, y : space,
        w : canvas.width - space * 2,
        h : canvas.height - space * 2,
// creates a random box without a position
function createBox(){
    return {  w : randI(minW,maxS),  h : randI(minH,maxS) }

// cuts box to make space for cutter (cutter is a box)
function cutBox(box,cutter){
    var b = [];
    // cut left
    if(cutter.x - box.x - space > minW){
            x : box.x,  y : box.y,
            w : cutter.x - box.x - space, 
            h : box.h,
    // cut top
    if(cutter.y - box.y - space > minH){
            x : box.x,  y : box.y,
            w : box.w, 
            h : cutter.y - box.y - space, 
    // cut right
    if((box.x + box.w) - (cutter.x + cutter.w + space) > space + minW){
            x : cutter.x + cutter.w + space, 
            y : box.y,
            w : (box.x + box.w) - (cutter.x + cutter.w + space), 
            h : box.h,
    // cut bottom
    if((box.y + box.h) - (cutter.y + cutter.h + space) > space + minH){
            x : box.x, 
            y : cutter.y + cutter.h + space, 
            w : box.w, 
            h : (box.y + box.h) - (cutter.y + cutter.h + space), 
    return b;
// get the index of the spacer box that is closest in size to box
function findBestFitBox(box){
    var smallest = Infinity;
    var boxFound;
        if(sbox.w >= box.w && sbox.h >= box.h){
            var area = sbox.w * sbox.h;
            if(area < smallest){
                smallest = area;
                boxFound = index;
    return boxFound;
// returns an array of boxes that are touching box
// removes the boxes from the spacer array
function getTouching(box){
    var b = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < spaceBoxes.length; i++){
        var sbox = spaceBoxes[i];
        if(!(sbox.x > box.x + box.w + space || sbox.x + sbox.w < box.x - space ||
           sbox.y > box.y + box.h + space || sbox.y + sbox.h < box.y - space )){
    return b;    

// Adds a space box to the spacer array.
// Check if it is insid, too small, or can be joined to another befor adding.
// will not add if not needed.
function addSpacerBox(box){
    var dontAdd = false;
    // is to small?
    if(box.w < minW || box.h < minH){ return }
    // is same or inside another
        if(box.x >= sbox.x && box.x + box.w <= sbox.x + sbox.w &&
            box.y >= sbox.y && box.y + box.h <= sbox.y + sbox.h ){
            dontAdd = true;
            return true;
        var join = false;
        // check if it can be joinded with another
            if(box.x === sbox.x && box.w === sbox.w && 
                !(box.y > sbox.y + sbox.h || box.y + box.h < sbox.y)){
                join = true;
                var y = Math.min(sbox.y,box.y);
                var h = Math.max(sbox.y + sbox.h,box.y + box.h);
                sbox.y = y;
                sbox.h = h-y;
                return true;
            if(box.y === sbox.y && box.h === sbox.h && 
                !(box.x > sbox.x + sbox.w || box.x + box.w < sbox.x)){
                join = true;
                var x = Math.min(sbox.x,box.x);
                var w = Math.max(sbox.x + sbox.w,box.x + box.w);
                sbox.x = x;
                sbox.w = w-x;
                return true;                
        if(!join){  spaceBoxes.push(box) }// add to spacer array
// Adds a box by finding a space to fit.
function locateSpace(box){
    if(boxes.length === 0){ // first box can go in top left
        box.x = space;
        box.y = space;
        var sb = spaceBoxes.pop();
        var bf = findBestFitBox(box); // get the best fit space
        if(bf !== undefined){
            var sb = spaceBoxes.splice(bf,1)[0]; // remove the best fit spacer
            box.x = sb.x; // use it to position the box
            box.y = sb.y; 
            spaceBoxes.push(...cutBox(sb,box)); // slice the spacer box and add slices back to spacer array
            boxes.push(box); // add the box
            var tb = getTouching(box);  // find all touching spacer boxes
            while(tb.length > 0){ // and slice them if needed
                eachOf(cutBox(tb.pop(),box),b => addSpacerBox(b));

// draws a box array
function drawBoxes(list,col,col1){
            ctx.fillStyle = col1;
            ctx.fillRect(box.x+ 1,box.y+1,box.w-2,box.h - 2);
        ctx.fillStyle = col;        
        ctx.fillRect(box.x,box.y+ box.h-1,box.w,1);

// Show the process in action
var count = 0;
var handle = setTimeout(doIt,10);
function doIt(){
    for(var i = 0; i < addCount; i++){
        var box = createBox();
    if(count < 1214 && spaceBoxes.length > 0){
        count += 1;
        handle = setTimeout(doIt,10);
canvas.onclick = function(){
  handle = setTimeout(doIt,10);
  count = 0;
canvas { border : 2px solid black; }
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>



  • 将算法变成对象
  • 通过对纵横比的拟合加权来找到更合适的间隔器,从而提高了速度
  • 添加了 placeBox(box) 函数,可以添加一个框而不检查它是否适合。它将被放置在它的 box.x, box.y 坐标



例子和上面的例子一样,只是在fitting boxes之前添加了randomly place boxes。

Demo 会显示方框和间隔方框,以展示其工作原理。单击 Canvas 以重新启动。按住 [shift] 键并单击 Canvas 以重新启动而不显示中间结果。

预先放置的盒子是蓝色的。 装好的盒子是灰色的。 间距框是红色的,会重叠。

当按住 shift 时,拟合过程会在第一个不适合的盒子处停止。红色框将显示可用但未使用的区域。


const minW = 4;   // min width and height of boxes
const minH = 4;
const maxS = 50;   // max width and height
const space = 2;
const numberBoxesToPlace = 20; // number of boxes to place befor fitting
const fixedBoxColor = "blue";

// Demo only
const addCount = 2;  // number to add per render cycle
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = canvas.height = 1024;

// create a random integer randI(n) return random val 0-n randI(n,m) returns random int n-m, and iterator that can break
const randI = (min, max = min + (min = 0)) => (Math.random() * (max - min) + min) | 0;
const eachOf = (array, cb) => { var i = 0; const len = array.length; while (i < len && cb(array[i], i++, len) !== true ); };

// creates a random box. If place is true the box also gets a x,y position and is flaged as fixed
function createBox(place){
        const box = {
            w : randI(minW*4,maxS*4),
            h : randI(minH*4,maxS*4),
            fixed : true,
        box.x = randI(space, canvas.width - box.w - space * 2);
        box.y = randI(space, canvas.height - box.h - space * 2);
        return box;
    return {
        w : randI(minW,maxS),
        h : randI(minH,maxS),

// BoxArea object using BM67 box packing algorithum
// Please leave this and the above two lines with any copies of this code.
// usage
//  var area = new BoxArea({
//      x: ?,  // x,y,width height of area
//      y: ?,
//      width: ?,
//      height : ?.
//      space : ?, // optional default = 1 sets the spacing between boxes
//      minW : ?, // optional default = 0 sets the in width of expected box. Note this is for optimisation you can add smaller but it may fail
//      minH : ?, // optional default = 0 sets the in height of expected box. Note this is for optimisation you can add smaller but it may fail
//  });
//  Add a box at a location. Not checked for fit or overlap
//  area.placeBox({x : 100, y : 100, w ; 100, h :100});
//  Tries to fit a box. If the box does not fit returns false
//  if(area.fitBox({x : 100, y : 100, w ; 100, h :100})){ // box added
//  Resets the BoxArea removing all boxes
//  area.reset()
//  To check if the area is full
//  area.isFull();  // returns true if there is no room of any more boxes.
//  You can check if a box can fit at a specific location with
//  area.isBoxTouching({x : 100, y : 100, w ; 100, h :100}, area.boxes)){ // box is touching another box
//  To get a list of spacer boxes. Note this is a copy of the array, changing it will not effect the functionality of BoxArea
//  const spacerArray = area.getSpacers();  
//  Use it to get the max min box size that will fit
//  const maxWidthThatFits = spacerArray.sort((a,b) => b.w - a.w)[0];
//  const minHeightThatFits = spacerArray.sort((a,b) => a.h - b.h)[0];
//  const minAreaThatFits = spacerArray.sort((a,b) => (a.w * a.h) - (b.w * b.h))[0];
//  The following properties are available
//  area.boxes  // an array of boxes that have been added
//  x,y,width,height  // the area that boxes are fitted to  
const BoxArea = (()=>{
    const defaultSettings = {
        minW : 0, // min expected size of a box
        minH : 0,
        space : 1, // spacing between boxes
    const eachOf = (array, cb) => { var i = 0; const len = array.length; while (i < len && cb(array[i], i++, len) !== true ); };

    function BoxArea(settings){
        settings = Object.assign({},defaultSettings,settings);
        this.width = settings.width;
        this.height = settings.height;
        this.x = settings.x;
        this.y = settings.y;
        const space =;
        const minW = settings.minW;
        const minH = settings.minH;
        const boxes = [];  // added boxes
        const spaceBoxes = [];
        this.boxes = boxes;
        // cuts box to make space for cutter (cutter is a box)
        function cutBox(box,cutter){
            var b = [];
            // cut left
            if(cutter.x - box.x - space >= minW){
                    x : box.x,  y : box.y, h : box.h,
                    w : cutter.x - box.x - space, 
            // cut top
            if(cutter.y - box.y - space >= minH){
                    x : box.x,  y : box.y, w : box.w, 
                    h : cutter.y - box.y - space, 
            // cut right
            if((box.x + box.w) - (cutter.x + cutter.w + space) >= space + minW){
                    y : box.y, h : box.h,
                    x : cutter.x + cutter.w + space, 
                    w : (box.x + box.w) - (cutter.x + cutter.w + space),                    
            // cut bottom
            if((box.y + box.h) - (cutter.y + cutter.h + space) >= space + minH){
                    w : box.w, x : box.x, 
                    y : cutter.y + cutter.h + space, 
                    h : (box.y + box.h) - (cutter.y + cutter.h + space), 
            return b;
        // get the index of the spacer box that is closest in size and aspect to box
        function findBestFitBox(box, array = spaceBoxes){
            var smallest = Infinity;
            var boxFound;
            var aspect = box.w / box.h;
            eachOf(array, (sbox, index) => {
                if(sbox.w >= box.w && sbox.h >= box.h){
                    var area = ( sbox.w * sbox.h) * (1 + Math.abs(aspect - (sbox.w / sbox.h)));
                    if(area < smallest){
                        smallest = area;
                        boxFound = index;
            return boxFound;            
        // Exposed helper function
        // returns true if box is touching any boxes in array
        // else return false
        this.isBoxTouching = function(box, array = []){
            for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
                var sbox = array[i];
                if(!(sbox.x > box.x + box.w + space || sbox.x + sbox.w < box.x - space ||
                   sbox.y > box.y + box.h + space || sbox.y + sbox.h < box.y - space )){
                    return true; 
            return false;    
        // returns an array of boxes that are touching box
        // removes the boxes from the array
        function getTouching(box, array = spaceBoxes){
            var boxes = [];
            for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
                var sbox = array[i];
                if(!(sbox.x > box.x + box.w + space || sbox.x + sbox.w < box.x - space ||
                   sbox.y > box.y + box.h + space || sbox.y + sbox.h < box.y - space )){
            return boxes;    

        // Adds a space box to the spacer array.
        // Check if it is inside, too small, or can be joined to another befor adding.
        // will not add if not needed.
        function addSpacerBox(box, array = spaceBoxes){
            var dontAdd = false;
            // is box to0 small?
            if(box.w < minW || box.h < minH){ return }
            // is box same or inside another box
            eachOf(array, sbox => {
                if(box.x >= sbox.x && box.x + box.w <= sbox.x + sbox.w &&
                    box.y >= sbox.y && box.y + box.h <= sbox.y + sbox.h ){
                    dontAdd = true;
                    return true;   // exits eachOf (like a break statement);             
                var join = false;
                // check if it can be joined with another
                eachOf(array, sbox => {
                    if(box.x === sbox.x && box.w === sbox.w && 
                        !(box.y > sbox.y + sbox.h || box.y + box.h < sbox.y)){
                        join = true;
                        var y = Math.min(sbox.y,box.y);
                        var h = Math.max(sbox.y + sbox.h,box.y + box.h);
                        sbox.y = y;
                        sbox.h = h-y;
                        return true;   // exits eachOf (like a break statement);             
                    if(box.y === sbox.y && box.h === sbox.h && 
                        !(box.x > sbox.x + sbox.w || box.x + box.w < sbox.x)){
                        join = true;
                        var x = Math.min(sbox.x,box.x);
                        var w = Math.max(sbox.x + sbox.w,box.x + box.w);
                        sbox.x = x;
                        sbox.w = w-x;
                        return true;   // exits eachOf (like a break statement);             
                if(!join){ array.push(box) }// add to spacer array

        // Adds a box by finding a space to fit.
        // returns true if the box has been added
        // returns false if there was no room.
        this.fitBox = function(box){
            if(boxes.length === 0){ // first box can go in top left
                box.x = space;
                box.y = space;
                var sb = spaceBoxes.pop();
                var bf = findBestFitBox(box); // get the best fit space
                if(bf !== undefined){
                    var sb = spaceBoxes.splice(bf,1)[0]; // remove the best fit spacer
                    box.x = sb.x; // use it to position the box
                    box.y = sb.y; 
                    spaceBoxes.push(...cutBox(sb,box)); // slice the spacer box and add slices back to spacer array
                    boxes.push(box);            // add the box
                    var tb = getTouching(box);  // find all touching spacer boxes
                    while(tb.length > 0){       // and slice them if needed
                        eachOf(cutBox(tb.pop(),box),b => addSpacerBox(b));
                } else {
                    return false;
            return true;
        // Adds a box at location box.x, box.y
        // does not check if it can fit or for overlap.
        this.placeBox = function(box){
            boxes.push(box); // add the box
            var tb = getTouching(box);  // find all touching spacer boxes
            while(tb.length > 0){       // and slice them if needed
                eachOf(cutBox(tb.pop(),box),b => addSpacerBox(b));
        // returns a copy of the spacer array
        this.getSpacers = function(){
            return [...spaceBoxes];
        this.isFull = function(){
            return spaceBoxes.length === 0;
        // resets boxes
        this.reset = function(){
            boxes.length = 0;
            spaceBoxes.length = 0;
                x : this.x + space, y : this.y + space,
                w : this.width - space * 2,
                h : this.height - space * 2,
    return BoxArea;

// draws a box array
function drawBoxes(list,col,col1){
            ctx.fillStyle = box.fixed ? fixedBoxColor : col1;
            ctx.fillRect(box.x+ 1,box.y+1,box.w-2,box.h - 2);
        ctx.fillStyle = col;        
        ctx.fillRect(box.x,box.y+ box.h-1,box.w,1);

// Show the process in action
var count = 0;
var failedCount = 0;
var timeoutHandle;
var addQuick = false;

// create a new box area
const area = new BoxArea({x : 0, y : 0, width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height, space : space, minW : minW, minH : minH});

// fit boxes until a box cant fit or count over count limit
function doIt(){
        count = 2000;
        for(var i = 0; i < addCount; i++){
                failedCount += 1;
    if(count < 5214 && !area.isFull()){
        count += 1;
        timeoutHandle = setTimeout(doIt,10);

// resets the area places some fixed boxes and starts the fitting cycle.
function start(event){
    failedCount = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < numberBoxesToPlace; i++){
        var box = createBox(true); // create a fixed box
    if(event && event.shiftKey){
        addQuick = true;
        addQuick = false;
    timeoutHandle = setTimeout(doIt,10);
    count = 0;
canvas.onclick = start;
body {font-family : arial;}
canvas { border : 2px solid black; }
.info {position: absolute; z-index : 200; top : 16px; left : 16px; background : rgba(255,255,255,0.75);}
<div class="info">Click canvas to reset. Shift click to add without showing progress.</div>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

关于javascript - 算法 - 给定所有其他矩形的 x Axis 和 y Axis ,定位足够的空间来绘制一个矩形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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