c# - Unity A* 使用航路点的寻路

标签 c# algorithm unity3d path-finding a-star

我正在尝试使用我在地形上使用单独的脚本生成的航路点创建 A* 寻路算法。 地形上可穿越和不可穿越的航路点由其颜色定义 - 绿色表示可穿越。

节点的布局可以通过以下链接查看: /image/JDZdx.jpg


为了开始寻路算法,我创建了一个字典,将每个可穿越的路径点存储为一个唯一的键(类型 = 游戏对象)。每个键的值是使用距离函数计算的其邻居(类型 = 列表)。

然后我尝试使用在线引用创建一个 A* 算法,并根据我的情况进行调整。每个部分的注释可以在我下面的代码中看到。函数“findPath”是实际的算法(好吧,这是我最好的尝试)。

 void findPath()

        // Adds start node to open list
        // take nodes around start node and add to lista*


        while (open.Count > 0)
            nodeDistances = 1000;
            foreach (GameObject node in open)
                GCost = Vector3.Distance(startNode.transform.position, node.transform.position);// G distance form node to start
                HCost = Vector3.Distance(targetNode.transform.position, node.transform.position); // H distance from node to target
                FCost = GCost + HCost;

                if (FCost < nodeDistances) // if current node has smaller F cost than the node before that
                    tempGCost = GCost; // Gets the lowest G cost
                    tempFCost = FCost;
                    current = node; // Replaces Game Object variable
                    nodeDistances = FCost;


            if (current.transform.position == targetNode.transform.position)

                Debug.Log("Goal reached");

            neighbours = attachedToWaypoint[current];
            // path.Add(current);

            foreach (GameObject n in neighbours)
                if (!closed.Contains(n))
                    float g_score = tempGCost + 1; // Takes current node GCost and adds value of 1 for each neighbour
                    float h_score = Vector3.Distance(n.transform.position, targetNode.transform.position); // Gets distance from each neighbour to the target node
                    float f_score = g_score + h_score;

                    if (closed.Contains(n) && f_score >= tempFCost) // If F cost of neighbour is greater than F cost of current node


                    if (!open.Contains(n) || f_score < tempFCost) // If 'open' list does not currently contain neighbour or neighbours F score is smaller than that of the current node

                        GCost = g_score;
                        HCost = h_score;
                        tempFCost = GCost + HCost; // update current node F score value to get neighbour with the smallest F score

                        if (!open.Contains(n))
                            open.Add(n); // if neihgbour is not in open list, add to open list


但是,查看存储在封闭列表中的节点,很明显出了问题 - 封闭列表中的节点图片:http://imgur.com/5cF7voO



谢谢, 卡尔文


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TEST : MonoBehaviour

    Dictionary<GameObject, List<GameObject>> attachedToWaypoint = new Dictionary<GameObject, List<GameObject>>();
    List<GameObject> gameObjectForDic = new List<GameObject>();
    GameObject[] waypoints;
    List<List<GameObject>> nodeData = new List<List<GameObject>>();

    List<GameObject> neighbours = new List<GameObject>(); // Not currently used

    public GameObject enemy;
    public GameObject player;
    GameObject startNode;
    GameObject targetNode;

    List<GameObject> open = new List<GameObject>();
    List<GameObject> closed = new List<GameObject>();

    float distanceToEnemy;
    float distanceToPlayer;

    float tempFCost;
    float FCost;
    float GCost;
    float HCost;
    float tempGCost;
    float accumulatedCost;
    float accumulatedCostTemp;
    float nodeDistances;

    GameObject current;

    public GameObject parent;

    List<GameObject> path = new List<GameObject>();

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        distanceToEnemy = 1000;
        distanceToPlayer = 1000;
        nodeDistances = 10000;

        waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint");

        // findPathtoPlayer();


    void storeNodesInDictionary()
        for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Length; i++)

            nodeData.Add(new List<GameObject>());

            float distEnemy = Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, waypoints[i].transform.position); // Closest node to enemy

            if (distEnemy < distanceToEnemy)
                startNode = waypoints[i];
                distanceToEnemy = distEnemy;


            float distPlayer = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, waypoints[i].transform.position);// Closest node to player

            if (distPlayer < distanceToPlayer)
                targetNode = waypoints[i];
                distanceToPlayer = distPlayer;

            for (int j = 0; j < waypoints.Length; j++)
                float distanceSqr = (waypoints[i].transform.position - waypoints[j].transform.position).sqrMagnitude; // Gets distance values
                if (distanceSqr < 60 && waypoints[i] != waypoints[j]) // Is waypoints are within a spcific distance


            attachedToWaypoint.Add(waypoints[i], nodeData[i]); // Adds parent node and neighbouring nodes within a 3x3 grid



    void findPath()

        // Adds start node to open list
        // take nodes around start node and add to lista*


        while (open.Count > 0)
            nodeDistances = 1000;
            foreach (GameObject node in open)
                GCost = Vector3.Distance(startNode.transform.position, node.transform.position);// G distance form node to start
                HCost = Vector3.Distance(targetNode.transform.position, node.transform.position); // H distance from node to target
                FCost = GCost + HCost;

                if (FCost < nodeDistances) // if current node has smaller F cost than the node before that
                    tempGCost = GCost; // Gets the lowest G cost
                    tempFCost = FCost;
                    current = node; // Replaces Game Object variable
                    nodeDistances = FCost;


            if (current.transform.position == targetNode.transform.position)

                Debug.Log("Goal reached");

            neighbours = attachedToWaypoint[current];
            // path.Add(current);

            foreach (GameObject n in neighbours)
                if (!closed.Contains(n))
                    float g_score = tempGCost + 1; // Takes current node GCost and adds value of 1 for each neighbour
                    float h_score = Vector3.Distance(n.transform.position, targetNode.transform.position); // Gets distance from each neighbour to the target node
                    float f_score = g_score + h_score;

                    if (closed.Contains(n) && f_score >= tempFCost) // If F cost of neighbour is greater than F cost of current node


                    if (!open.Contains(n) || f_score < tempFCost) // If 'open' list does not currently contain neighbour or neighbours F score is smaller than that of the current node

                        GCost = g_score;
                        HCost = h_score;
                        tempFCost = GCost + HCost; // update current node F score value to get neighbour with the smallest F score

                        if (!open.Contains(n))
                            open.Add(n); // if neihgbour is not in open list, add to open list





Closed 的一个好的数据结构是 HashSet ,这肯定会加快您的代码速度,而且实际上不需要太多更改。

不幸的是,Open 的正确数据结构是 priority queue ,但是 c# 没有内置,如果您可以使用第三方实现来获得最佳性能,那么 f 成本将是您的首要任务。否则,您将需要自己编写。


GCost = Vector3.Distance(startNode.transform.position, node.transform.position); // G distance from node to start

g 成本应该是从 startNode 到节点的实际距离,但您使用相同的函数来计算 g 和计算 h。这就像一直使用两条直线,如果你想象它会如何尝试通过一条曲折的路径,旁边有一条直线路径旁路,它会一直沿着曲折的路径走下去,以为它是直行的从起始节点到当前节点。


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Some.Namespace.That.Gets.PriorityQueue;

public class TEST: MonoBehaviour {

    Dictionary<GameObject, List<GameObject>> attachedToWaypoint = new Dictionary<GameObject, List<GameObject>>();

    GameObject[] waypoints;
    GameObject startNode;
    GameObject targetNode;
    GameObject current;

    PriorityQueue<float, GameObject> open = new PriorityQueue<float, GameObject>();
    HashSet<GameObject> closed = new HashSet<GameObject>();
    List<GameObject> path = new List<GameObject>();

    float distanceToEnemy;
    float distanceToPlayer;
    float FCost;
    float GCost;
    float HCost;
    float nodeDistances;

    public GameObject enemy;
    public GameObject player;
    public GameObject parent;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start() {
        distanceToEnemy = 1000;
        distanceToPlayer = 1000;
        nodeDistances = 10000;

        waypoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Waypoint");
        // findPathtoPlayer();

    void storeNodesInDictionary() {
        for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.Length; i++) {
            var waypoint = waypoints[i];
            var nodeData = new List<GameObject>();
            var waypointPosition = waypoint.transform.position;

            float distEnemy = Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, waypointPosition); // Closest node to enemy
            if (distEnemy < distanceToEnemy) {
                startNode = waypoint;
                distanceToEnemy = distEnemy;

            float distPlayer = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position, waypointPosition); // Closest node to player
            if (distPlayer < distanceToPlayer) {
                targetNode = waypoint;
                distanceToPlayer = distPlayer;

            for (int j = 0; j < waypoints.Length; j++) {
                if (i == j)
                var otherWaypoint = waypoints[j];
                float distanceSqr = (waypointPosition - otherWaypoint.transform.position).sqrMagnitude; // Gets distance values
                if (distanceSqr < 60) // Is waypoints are within a spcific distance
            attachedToWaypoint.Add(waypoint, nodeData); // Adds parent node and neighbouring nodes within a 3x3 grid

    void findPath() {
        var startPosition = startNode.transform.position;
        var targetPosition = targetNode.transform.position;
        open.Push(Vector3.Distance(startPosition, targetPosition), startNode);
        while (open.Count > 0) {
            FCost = open.Pop(out current);
            var currentPosition = current.transform.position;
            if (currentPosition == targetPosition) {
                Debug.Log("Goal reached");
            HCost = Vector3.Distance(currentPosition, targetPosition);
            GCost = FCost - HCost;
            var neighbours = attachedToWaypoint[current];
            // path.Add(current);
            foreach(GameObject n in neighbours) {
                if (!closed.Contains(n) && !open.Contains(n)) // If 'open' list does not currently contain neighbour or neighbours F score is smaller than that of the current node
                    var neighbourPosition = n.transform.position;
                    var neighbourFCost = GCost + Vector3.Distance(currentPosition, neighbourPosition) + Vector3.Distance(neighbourPosition, targetPosition)
                    open.Push(neighbourFCost, n); // if neighbour is not in open list, add to open list

关于c# - Unity A* 使用航路点的寻路,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41927807/


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