algorithm - 如果在计算强连通分量时不使用 G 转置怎么办?

标签 algorithm data-structures graph-theory depth-first-search directed-graph

我正在阅读算法导论。 22.5 Strongly Connected Component中,算法STRONGLY-CONNECTED-COMPONENT(G)定义为:

  1. 调用 DFS(G) 计算每个顶点 u 的完成时间 u.f
  2. 计算G转置
  3. 调用 DFS(G 转置),但在 DFS 的主循环中,考虑按 u.f 递减顺序排列的顶点(如第 1 行中计算的那样)
  4. 将第3行形成的深度优先森林中每棵树的顶点作为单独的强连通分量输出

如果我将算法更改为仅使用 G,而不计算 G 转置。还要考虑按递增 u.f 顺序排列的顶点(拓扑排序的逆序):

  1. 调用 DFS(G) 计算每个顶点 u 的完成时间 u.f
  2. 调用 DFS(G),但在 DFS 的主循环中,按照 u.f 递增的顺序考虑顶点(如第 1 行中计算的那样)
  3. 输出第2行形成的深度优先森林中每棵树的顶点




Professor Bacon’s suggestion doesn’t work out. As an example, suppose that our graph is on the three vertices {1, 2, 3} and consists of the edges (2, 1),(2, 3),(3, 2). Then, we should end up with {2, 3} and {1} as our SCC’s. However, a possible DFS starting at 2 could explore 3 before 1, this would mean that the finish time of 3 is lower than of 1 and 2. This means that when we first perform the DFS starting at 3. However, a DFS starting at 3 will be able to reach all other vertices. This means that the algorithm would return that the entire graph is a single SCC, even though this is clearly not the case since there is neither a path from 1 to 2 of from 1 to 3.

关于algorithm - 如果在计算强连通分量时不使用 G 转置怎么办?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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