javascript - 使用正则表达式突出显示一组字符串

标签 javascript regex algorithm

如何高亮显示一段字符串? 我的问题在这里我想在一个 block 中突出显示所有单词 a reference 喜欢这张图片

enter image description here

当我在 "" 双引号内包含单词时 var wordsToHighlight =' "word1, word2"' 表示在整个文本中突出显示 word1 word2



* 它是一个 chop 并且效果很好


var row = {
  "Abstract": "a reference I have a reference server for reference and just a server here server test." 

var wordsToHighlight = `reference  "a reference"  reference jus? fo* `;
var result = row["Abstract"];

var words=wordsToHighlight ;
var resultAbstract = row["Abstract"];
var wordsTH2=[], m;
var rx = /["“']([^"”']+)["”']|\S+/g;
while (m=rx.exec(words)) {
  if (m[1]) {
     var arr = m[1].trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
     for (var i=0; i<arr.length;i++) {
  } else {
//sort wordsTH2 by length in a descending order
wordsTH2.sort(function(a, b){
  return b.length - a.length;
wordsTH2.forEach(function (word) {
word = word.replace(/\*/g, '\\S*').replace(/\?/g, '.');
//<span style="background-color:yellow;">.*?</span>|  it will match terms that are already highlighted and won't touch them since if it matches, Group 1 and 2 are undefined and if Group 1 and 2 match, a term ($2) will get wrapped with the new span

resultAbstract = resultAbstract.replace(new RegExp('<span style="background-color:yellow;">.*?</span>|(\\s|^)(' + word + ')(?=\\s|$)', "gi"),function ($0, $1, $2) { return $1 ? $1 + '<span style="background-color:yellow;">' + $2 + '</span>' : $0; });
document.querySelector("#result").innerHTML = resultAbstract;
<div id="result"></div>


问题出在 (\\s|^) 和随后对第 1 组的检查。当 ^(字符串开头)匹配时, $1 变量的计算结果仍然为 false,并且会用整个值进行替换。

检查第 2 组是否匹配似乎更有意义,将 return $1 ? 替换为 return $2 ? 因为第 2 组不能为空或 null/undefined:

var row = {
  "Abstract": "a reference I have a reference server for reference and just a server here server test." 

var wordsToHighlight = `reference  "a reference"  reference jus? fo* `;
var result = row["Abstract"];

var words=wordsToHighlight ;
var resultAbstract = row["Abstract"];
var wordsTH2=[], m;
var rx = /["“']([^"”']+)["”']|\S+/g;
while (m=rx.exec(words)) {
  if (m[1]) {
     var arr = m[1].trim().split(/\s*,\s*/);
     for (var i=0; i<arr.length;i++) {
  } else {
//sort wordsTH2 by length in a descending order
wordsTH2.sort(function(a, b){
  return b.length - a.length;
wordsTH2.forEach(function (word) {
word = word.replace(/\*/g, '\\S*').replace(/\?/g, '.');
resultAbstract = resultAbstract.replace(new RegExp('<span style="background-color:yellow;">.*?</span>|(\\s|^)(' + word + ')(?=\\s|$)', "gi"),function ($0, $1, $2) { return $2 ? $1 + '<span style="background-color:yellow;">' + $2 + '</span>' : $0; });
document.querySelector("#result").innerHTML = resultAbstract;
<div id="result"></div>

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