python-3.x - 如何高效地找到适当因子的多重性?

标签 python-3.x algorithm numbers number-theory

我正在尝试编写代码来找出给定数字是否是 n 的适当因子,同时我还试图找出给定数字的重数。


def f(n, d):
    >>> f(2, 1)
    1 is not a proper factor of 2.
    >>> f(2, 2)
    2 is not a proper factor of 2.
    >>> f(16, 2)
    2 is a proper factor of 16 of mutiplicity 4.
    >>> f(100, 20)
    20 is a proper factor of 100 of mutiplicity 1.
    >>> f(8 ** 7 * 3 ** 5 * 11 ** 2, 8)
    8 is a proper factor of 61662560256 of mutiplicity 7.
    >>> f(3 ** 3 * 11 * 13 ** 2 * 40 ** 6, 8)
    8 is a proper factor of 205590528000000 of mutiplicity 6.
    multiplicity = 0
    # Insert your code here
    if d == 1:
        print(f'{d} is not a proper factor of {n}.')
    if d == n:
        print(f'{d} is not a proper factor of {n}.')
    if n % d == 0:
        copy = n
        while(copy != 1):
            copy = copy // d
            multiplicity += 1
    if not multiplicity:
        print(f'{d} is not a proper factor of {n}.')
        print(f'{d} is a proper factor of {n} of mutiplicity {multiplicity}.')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest




while(copy != 1):
    copy = copy // d
    multiplicity += 1

只要副本是 d 的倍数,你想要的是将副本除以 d,即

while(copy % d == 0):
    copy = copy / d
    multiplicity += 1

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