java - 集合中的独特集合

标签 java algorithm collections set

我确实有 int 对,即; (整数,整数)

1) Given k such pairs, check if they are unique. i.e; size of the Set formed using k pairs is k ?
2) if the given k records are unique then store them in sorted order ( by x and resolve conflict by y)
3) Given n such sets of size k, create a set of sets.

要求 1 和 2 的示例
如果 k = 3

(100, 100) (110, 300) (120, 200) is a valid set and in sorted order.
(100, 100) (300, 200) (200, 300) is a valid set but not in sorted order.
(100, 100) (100, 200) (100, 200) is in valid set

要求 3 的示例

(100, 100) (200, 300) (300, 200)
(100, 100) (200, 300) (300, 200)
(100, 100) (201, 300) (300, 200)


(100, 100) (200, 300) (300, 200)
(100, 100) (201, 300) (300, 200)

这是与我面临的实际问题最接近的类比。我需要用 Java 来完成这个工作,但我从来没有用过 Java。我是一名中级 C++ 程序员。

我可以通过一些丑陋的编码和排序来解决 1 和 2。
然而我无法得到 3。下面是我到目前为止可以得到的 3。类对实现了类似的


import java.util.HashSet;
public class set {
    public static void main (String []args) {
        HashSet<Pair> s1 = new HashSet();
        s1.add(new Pair(10,10));
        s1.add(new Pair(10,10));

        HashSet<Pair> s2 = new HashSet();
        s2.add(new Pair(10,10));
        s2.add(new Pair(10,10));

        HashSet<HashSet<Pair>> s12 = new HashSet();
        for ( HashSet<Pair> hs : s12) {
            for (Pair p :  hs) {
                System.out.println(""+ p.toString());


看起来您没有重写 Pair 类中的 equals 和/或 hashCode 方法。

例如,如果您的 Pair 类具有以下结构:

protected K value1;
protected V value2; 

您应该实现 equalshashCode 作为(示例):

 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (!(obj instanceof Pair))
        return false;
    Pair that = (Pair)obj;
    boolean result = true;
    if (this.getValue1() != null)
        result = this.getValue1().equals(that.getValue1());
    else if (that.getValue1() != null)
        result = that.getValue1().equals(this.getValue1());

    if (this.getValue2() != null)
        result = result && this.getValue2().equals(that.getValue2());
    else if (that.getValue2() != null)
        result = result && that.getValue2().equals(this.getValue2());

    return result;

public int hashCode() {
    int result = value1 != null ? value1.hashCode() : 0;
    result = 31 * result + (value2 != null ? value2.hashCode() : 0);
    return result;

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