c# - 尝试使用画线算法移动矩阵中的对象

标签 c# algorithm matrix line-drawing

我正在尝试使用画线算法移动矩阵(带有 [x,y] 的数组)中的对象,以帮助您理解我的意思我正在尝试使对象像这样移动:

enter image description here


enter image description here


关于代码的一些信息(我给你一些“背景”,这样你就不会感到困惑):Location 变量包含矩阵上的一个位置,它有 x 和 y ,可以这样访问:

Location loc = new Location(x,y);//Declaring a new location
int row = loc.Row;//Gets the x value (Row)
int col = loc.Col;//Gets the y value (Column)


Direction.NOTHING; //This direction means to stay at the same place, or not move


命令game.Destination(myPirate, Direction);计算对象在下一回合结束的位置(返回位置)。


public static Direction NextDirection(Game game,Pirate myPirate,Location EndLocation)
        List<Direction> westEast = new List<Direction>() { Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST };
        List<Direction> northSouth = new List<Direction>() { Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH };
        int startX = myPirate.Loc.Row;
        int startY = myPirate.Loc.Col;
        int endX = EndLocation.Row;
        int endY = EndLocation.Col;
        if (startX == endX && startY == endY) return Direction.NOTHING; //If its alredy on spot return the location of the pirate;
        int dx = endX - startX;
        int dy = endY - startY;
        if (dx == 0) //The X of the end is the same as the x of the start, need to move only on the y axis;
            return MyBot.GetBestDirection(game, myPirate, EndLocation);
        if (dy==0) //The Y of the end is the same as the y of the start, need to move only on the x axis;
            return MyBot.GetBestDirection(game, myPirate, EndLocation);
        int slope = dy / dx;
        Location destination;
        double distance = MyBot.Distance(myPirate.Loc, EndLocation);
        if (slope > 1 || slope < -1)
            double distance2;
            foreach (Direction dir in northSouth) //In here the algoritem decides whats the best direction (north or south);
                destination = game.Destination(myPirate, dir);
                distance2 = MyBot.Distance(destination, EndLocation);
                if (distance2 < distance) return dir;
            game.Debug("Couldnt find a good direction, going by the default dirction algorithem.");
            return MyBot.GetBestDirection(game, myPirate, EndLocation);
            double distance2;
            foreach (Direction dir in westEast)//In here the algoritem decides whats the best direction (west or east);
                destination = game.Destination(myPirate, dir);
                distance2 = MyBot.Distance(destination, EndLocation);
                if (distance2 < distance) return dir;
            game.Debug("Couldnt find a good direction, going by the default dirction algorithem.");
            return MyBot.GetBestDirection(game, myPirate, EndLocation);

在上面代码中的某些部分,我还使用了 MyBot 类中的部分,以下是这些部分:

public static Direction GetBestDirection(Game game, Pirate myPirate, Location loc)//ADD: If the destination is not passable get another direction;
        double distance = Distance(myPirate.Loc, loc);
        List<Direction> allDirections = new List<Direction>() { Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST, Direction.NOTHING };
        Location destination;
        foreach (Direction dir in allDirections)
            destination = game.Destination(myPirate, dir);
            double distance2 = Distance(destination, loc);
            if (distance2 < distance && game.IsPassable(destination)) return dir;
        return Direction.NOTHING;




您应该将斜率计算为 float 或 double ,而不是整数。当你使用整数除法时,1/2 就是 0,当然,当斜率为 0 时,你会向右移动。这意味着,如果您使用整数除法,从 (0,0) 到 (20,10),则必须从 10 (1,0) 步开始,而这不是最佳行为。

如果你为(浮点)斜率设置一个固定阈值,例如如果斜率小于 1.0 然后向右走,那么你根本不会紧紧跟随一条线,因为你会向右移动,直到你到达斜率大于阈值的点。因此,不要使用固定阈值。

一种快速而肮脏的方法是随机化阈值,以便它使您平均向正确的方向移动。我假设 dx>0 且 dy>0。您可以通过对称来处理其他象限。要平均向正确的方向移动,可以从 [0,dx+dy-1] 中选择一个随机整数。如果小于dx,则向x方向迈一步。如果大于或等于dx,则向y方向迈一步。等价地,在[0,1]中随机选择一个double,如果它低于dx/(dx+dy),则在x方向上一步,否则在y方向上一步。

如果您不喜欢随机化,则可以取消随机化。您可以选择 (dx,dy,x,y) 的伪随机函数,而不是选择固定阈值。例如,您可以将 dx/(double)(dx+dy) 与 (2^((dx+3*dy)%28) mod 29)/29.0 进行比较。这以大致统一的方式将阈值设置为从 1/29 到 28/29。


// assume dx>0, dy>0
int linearMod28 = (dx + 3*dy) % 28; // 0 through 27
int pseudorandomMod29 = (1 << linearMod28) % 29; // 1 through 28
double threshold = pseudorandomMod29/29.0; // 1/29 through 28/29
if (dx/(double)(dx+dy) < threshold)
    // take a step in the x direction
    // take a step in the y direction

关于c# - 尝试使用画线算法移动矩阵中的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29850634/


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