java - 判断矩形是否重叠

标签 java algorithm geometry overlap rectangles

每个矩形有两个点,左上角和右下角(两个矩形的点表示为 bR1 和 bR2,左上角的点表示为 tL1 和 tL2,等等),并且 I想知道两个矩形是否重叠。现在我的代码如下:

            if(!(bR1.y < tL2.y || 
                tL1.y > bR2.y || 
                bR1.x < tL2.x || 
                tL1.x > bR2.x ) )
                //if this combination of conditions are met, then the rectangles overlap at some point
                System.out.println("overlap found");


            else if (rectangle1.tL.equals(rectangle2.tL) &&
            //if this combination of conditions are met, then the rectangles are perfectly on top of one another
                System.out.println("rectangles completely overlap");


            else if(bL1.x>bL2.x &&
                    bL1.y<bL2.y &&
                    tR1.x<tR2.x &&
                    tR1.y>tR2.y) //if rectangle1 is within rectangle2
                System.out.println("one rectangle completely within another");


            else if(bL1.x<bL2.x &&
                    bL1.y>bL2.y &&
                    tR1.x>tR2.x &&
                    tR1.y<tR2.y)//if rectangle2 is within rectangle1
                System.out.println("one rectangle completely within another");


根据我的测试,我的算法发现重叠太少。我几乎可以肯定,我的算法的唯一问题是它不考虑仅边缘或角落接触的正方形。是这样吗?如果是,那么如何解决仅边缘重叠的问题? (我可以轻松地解决边角接触问题,就像解决矩形完美地叠在一起一样。)


这是在 Rectangle2D 的 java AWT 源代码中如何解决的:


    if (Math.max(tL1.x, tL2.x) <= Math.min(bR1.x, bR2.x) &&
            Math.max(tL1.y, tL2.y) <= Math.min(bR1.y, bR2.y)) {
        // It covers all cases of intersection including equality and inclusion.

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