algorithm - 用于计算有向无环图中每个顶点的不同路径数量的线性时间算法

标签 algorithm dynamic-programming directed-acyclic-graphs topological-sort


设 G = (V, E) 是一个简单的有向无环图 (DAG)。
对于 V 中的一对顶点 v、u,如果 G 中存在从 u 到 v 的(有向)路径,则我们说 v 从 u 可达。
设计一种算法,对于给定的 DAG,G = (V, E),计算 V 中所有顶点 v 的 R(v) 值。
提供算法的分析(即正确性和运行时间 分析)。
(最好的情况是,人们应该尝试设计一种运行在 O(n + m) 时间。)


以下用于查找 DAG 拓扑排序的算法可能有用:

  1. Run DFS on G and compute a DFS-numbering, N // A DFS-numbering is a numbering (starting from 1) of the vertices of G, representing the point at which the DFS-call on a given vertex v finishes.
  2. Let the topological sort be the function a(v) = n - N[v] + 1 // n is the number of nodes in G and N[v] is the DFS-number of v.





如果 DAG 是 polytree,则以下想法是有效的,因为这保证了任意两个节点之间至多有一条路径。

You can use the following steps:

  • find all nodes with 0 in-degree (i.e. no incoming edges).

This can be done in O(n + m), e.g. by looping through all edges and marking those nodes that are the end of any edge. The nodes with 0 in-degree are those which have not been marked.

  • Start a DFS from each node with 0 in-degree.

After the DFS call for a node ends, we want to have computed for that node the information of its reachability.

In order to achieve this, we need to add the reachability of the successors of this node. Some of these values might have already been computed (if the successor was already visited by DFS), therefore this is a dynamic programming solution.

The following pseudocode describes the DFS code:

function DFS(node) {
    visited[node] = true;
    reachability[node] = 1;

    for each successor of node {
        if (!visited[successor]) {
        reachability[node] += reachability[successor];

After calling this for all nodes with 0 in-degree, the reachability array will contain the reachability for all nodes in the graph.

The overall complexity is O(n + m).

关于algorithm - 用于计算有向无环图中每个顶点的不同路径数量的线性时间算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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