algorithm - 将 Haskell 反转计数器移植到 Scala

标签 algorithm scala sorting haskell

下面是来自 Haskell 实现的例程的相关代码,该例程对列表中的反转进行计数

mergeAndCount :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> (Int,[a])
mergeAndCount l@(x:xs) r@(y:ys) | x < y = let (inv, s) = mergeAndCount xs r in (inv, x:s)
                                | otherwise = let (inv, s) = mergeAndCount l ys in (inv + rest, y:s)
                                                where rest = length l
mergeAndCount l [] = (0, l)
mergeAndCount [] r = (0, r)

我尝试在 Scala 中编写类似的例程,但它因堆栈溢出而崩溃(尽管惰性排序有效)。这是非工作版本:

  def mergeAndCount(l: Stream[Int], r: Stream[Int]) : (Long, Stream[Int]) = {
    (l, r) match {
      case (x#::xs, Empty) => (0, l)
      case (Empty, y#::ys) => (0, r)
      case (x#::xs, y#::ys) => if(x < y) {
        lazy val (i, s) = mergeAndCount(xs, r)
        (i, x#::s)
      } else {
        lazy val (i, s) = mergeAndCount(l, ys)
        (i + l.length, y#::s)

关于如何使 Scala 版本表现得像 Haskell 版本有什么想法吗?


在这种情况下(将递归调用转换为尾调用可能很复杂),您可以使用 trampolines 将堆换成堆栈。 :

import Stream.Empty
import scalaz.std.tuple._
import scalaz.syntax.bifunctor._
import scalaz.Free.Trampoline, scalaz.Trampoline._

def mergeAndCount(
  l: Stream[Int],
  r: Stream[Int]
): Trampoline[(Long, Stream[Int])] = (l, r) match {
  case (_ #:: _, Empty) => done((0, l))
  case (Empty, _ #:: _) => done((0, r))
  case (x #:: xs, y #:: _) if x < y => suspend(
    mergeAndCount(xs, r).map(_.rightMap(x #:: _))
  case (_, y #:: ys) => suspend(
    mergeAndCount(l, ys).map(_.bimap(_ + l.length, y #:: _))

请注意,我正在使用 Scalaz的实现在这里,因为 the standard library's目前缺少一些部分(尽管 will change soon )。


mergeAndCount((1 to 20000).toStream, (2 to 20001).toStream).run


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