javascript - 多重约束复杂数据的最佳组合算法

标签 javascript algorithm optimization combinations linear-programming

我想我们可以说这与这里已经提出的问题( Optimisation/knapsack algorithm with multiple contraints in JavaScript )非常相似,但尚未得到答案。

假设我们喜欢 javascript、C、C++、java。这些语言中的任何一种都适合我。有人知道解决问题的算法吗?

问题: 在知道资源有限的情况下,找到提供最小成本和最大对象数量的最佳项目子集:

var items = [
    {name: "Rome", cost: 1000, hours: 5, peoples: 5},
    {name: "Venice", cost: 200, hours:  1, peoples: 10},
    {name: "Torin", cost: 500, hours: 3, peoples: 2},
    {name: "Genova", cost: 700, hours: 7, peoples: 8},
    {name: "Rome2", cost: 1020, hours: 5, peoples: 6},
    {name: "Venice2", cost: 220, hours:  1, peoples: 10},
    {name: "Torin2", cost: 520, hours: 3, peoples: 2},
    {name: "Genova2", cost: 720, hours: 7, peoples: 4},
    {name: "Rome3", cost: 1050, hours: 5, peoples: 5},
    {name: "Venice3", cost: 250, hours:  1, peoples: 8},
    {name: "Torin3", cost: 550, hours: 3, peoples: 8},
    {name: "Genova3", cost: 750, hours: 7, peoples: 8}
var maxCost = 10000, maxHours = 100, maxPeoples = 50;
// find subset of items that minimize cost, hours and peoples
// and maximize number of items
// do not exceed max values!!!





PROBLEM: find the best subset of items which grants minimum cost and maximum number of objects, knowing that there's a limitation of resource.

一种可能的方法是构建一个将返回最大值 Pareto-optimal set of solutions 的程序。 。

帕累托集是一组非支配解,这意味着对于任何两个解决方案 S1S2S1 都不占支配地位S2,反之亦然。如果解决方案 S1 在所有标准方面都优于或等于 S2,并且在至少一个标准方面严格优于解决方案 S2,则该解决方案 S1 支配解决方案 S2


S1: cost = 10, nb_objects = 4
S2: cost = 10, nb_objects = 7
S3: cost = 0, nb_objects = 0
S4: cost = 14, nb_objects = 6

那么我们的帕累托最优解集就是{S1, S3, S4}。这是因为它们不互相支配(例如,S1 不支配 S4,因为 S4 在对象数量方面更好)。 S2 不是帕累托最优解的一部分,因为它由 S1S4 共同主导。

一般情况下,Pareto 集非常难以计算,并且可能非常大。在您的特定情况下,4 个标准似乎在某种程度上是合理的,但它总是会令人惊讶。

Result = array of size nb_objects, initialized with empty sets
for i from 0 to total_nb_of_objects:
    for each feasible solution 'new_solution' to the problem with fixed number of objects:
        for each solution of Result[i]:
            if hours(new_solution) >= hours(solution) and  \
               cost(new_solution) >= cost(solution) and    \
               people(new_solution) >= people(solution):
                dominated = true
        if not dominated:
            add new_solution to Result[i]
return Result


关于javascript - 多重约束复杂数据的最佳组合算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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