将键与单个字典的公共(public)值合并的 Pythonic 方法

标签 python algorithm python-3.x dictionary merge


A = {'E2': {'5', '7'}, 'E3': {'4', '8'}, 'E5': {'5', '7'}, 'E8': {'4', '8'}}

output = {('E2', 'E5'): {'5', '7'}, ('E3', 'E8'): {'4', '8'}}


A = {'E2': {'5', '7'}, 'E3': {'4', '8'}, 'E5': {'5', '7'}, 'E8': {'4', '8'}}

output = {}
seen = []
for k, v in A.items():
    if v not in [s[1] for s in seen]: # not seen this value yet
        print('NOT SEEN')
        print(k, v)
        output[k] = v
    else: # already seen it 
        print(k, v)
        # determine where we've seen it 
        where = [x for x in seen if x[1]==v]
        output[(where[0][0], k)] = v

print('OUTPUT = ', output)       


OUTPUT =  {('E2', 'E5'): {'7', '5'}, ('E3', 'E8'): {'4', '8'}}



>>> A = {'E2': {'5', '7'}, 'E3': {'4', '8'}, 'E5': {'5', '7'}, 'E8': {'4', '8'}}

# First pass:  Create a reverse one-to-many mapping. 
# The original set() value gets converted to a hashable frozenset()
# and used as a key.  The original scalar string key gets accumulated
# in a list to track the multiple occurrences.
>>> reverse = {}
>>> for key, value in A.items():
        reverse.setdefault(frozenset(value), []).append(key)

# Second pass:  reverse the keys and values.  The list of matching
# values gets converted to a hashable tuple (as specified by the OP)
# and the frozenset() gets restored back to the original set() type.
>>> {tuple(value) : set(key) for key, value in reverse.items()}
{('E2', 'E5'): {'5', '7'}, ('E3', 'E8'): {'8', '4'}}

这给出了 OP 预期的输出。


关于将键与单个字典的公共(public)值合并的 Pythonic 方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44991051/


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