algorithm - 从中心扫描阵列

标签 algorithm

我正在制作一个照片马赛克应用程序,一个简单的解决方案是扫描位图以将位图分割成小方 block 并用小图像替换每个小方 block 。但是为了提高生成图像的质量,我想从中心而不是从左上角扫描位图。有没有现有的算法来解决这个问题?



1  2  3  4

5  6  7  8

9  10 11 12

13 14 15 16


16 15 14 13

5  4  3  12

6  1  2  11

7  8  9  10


bool between(int x, int low, int high) {
  return low <= x && x <= high;

// we use this constant array to help tweaking the (row,col) coordinate
const int D[4][2] = {
  {0, 1},   // 0 - right
  {1, 0},   // 1 - down
  {0, -1},  // 2 - left
  {-1, 0}   // 3 - up

int a[n][n]; // suppose the array is n times n in size
int row = 0, col = 0, dir = 0; // initial direction is "0 - right"

for (int m = n*n; m >= 1; m--) {
  a[row][col] = m;

  int old_row = row, old_col = col;  // remember current coordinate

  row += D[dir][0];
  col += D[dir][1];

  if (!(between(row,0,n-1) && between(col,0,n-1))) { // have to move back
    // move back
    row = old_row;
    col = old_col;

    // change direction
    dir %= 4;

    // move again
    row += D[dir][0];
    col += D[dir][1];

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