algorithm - 子集和 N 阵列解决方案,需要动态解决方案

标签 algorithm dynamic-programming subset-sum

尽管您可以拥有任意数量的array,但让我们假设您有两个array {1,2,3,4,5,6} 和{1 ,2,3,4,5,6} 您必须确定它们在两个 array 元素的参与下总和是否为 4。即

1 from array1, 3 from array2
2 from array1, 2 from array2
3 from array1, 1 from array2




bool subset_sum(int a[],int n, int sum)
 bool dp[n+1][sum+1];

   int i,j;
















  return dp[n][sum];


我们可以用 3 维 dp 来实现它。但为了简单性和可读性,我使用两种方法编写了它。

注意:当我们从每个数组中选择至少一个元素时,我的解决方案有效。如果存在我们必须从每个 array 中选择相同数量的元素的条件,它就不起作用。

// This is a helper method

//  prevPosAr[] is the denotes what values could be made with participation from ALL
// arrays BEFORE the current array

// This method returns an array which denotes what values could be made with the
// with participation from ALL arrays UP TO current array

boolean[] getPossibleAr( boolean prevPossibleAr[], int ar[] )
    boolean dp[][] = new boolean[ ar.length + 1 ][ prevPossibleAr.length  ];
    // dp[i][j] denotes   if we can make value j using AT LEAST
    // ONE element from current ar[0...i-1]

    for (int i = 1; i <= ar.length; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dp[i].length; j++)
            if ( dp[i-1][j] == true )
                // we can make value j using AT LEAST one element from ar[0...i-2]
                // it implies that we can also make value j using AT LEAST
                // one element from ar[0...i-1]
                dp[i][j] = true;

            int prev = i-ar[i-1];
            // now we look behind

            if ( prev < 0 )
                // it implies that ar[i-1] > i

            if ( prevPossibleAr[prev] || dp[i-1][prev] )
                // It is the main catch
                // Be careful

                // if ( prevPossibleAr[prev] == true )
                // it means that we could make the value prev
                // using the previous arrays (without using any element
                // of the current array)
                // so now we can add ar[i-1] with prev and eventually make i

                // if ( dp[i-1][prev] == true )
                // it means that we could make prev using one or more
                // elements from the current array....
                // now we can add ar[i-1] with this and eventually make i

                dp[i][j] = true;

    // What is dp[ar.length] ?
    // It is an array of booleans
    // It denotes whether we can make value j using ALL the arrays 
    // (using means taking AT LEAST ONE ELEMENT)
    // before the current array and using at least ONE element 
    // from the current array ar[] (That is the full current array)

    return dp[ar.length];

// This is the method which will give us the output
boolean subsetSum(int  ar[][], int sum )
    boolean prevPossible[] = new boolean[sum+1];
    prevPossible[0] = true;

    for ( int i = 0; i < ar.length; i++ )
        boolean newPossible[] = getPossibleAr(prevPossible, ar[i]); 
        // calling that helper function
        // newPossible denotes what values can be made with
        // participation from ALL arrays UP TO i th array
        // (0 based index here)

        prevPossible = newPossible;

    return prevPossible[sum];

关于algorithm - 子集和 N 阵列解决方案,需要动态解决方案,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


一个集合的所有 2-uplets 的算法名称

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