c# - 你能在 F# 中改进这个 'lines of code algorithm' 吗?

标签 c# algorithm f#


脚本的核心是计算空格、注释和代码行数的函数。 (请注意,目前它是为 C# 量身定制的,不知道多行注释)。

我觉得它看起来不太好 - 谁有更干净的版本?

// from list of strings return tuple with count of (whitespace, comments, code)
let loc (arr:List<string>) = 
    let innerloc (whitesp, comment, code) (l:string) = 
        let s = l.Trim([|' ';'\t'|]) // remove leading whitespace
        match s with
        | "" -> (whitesp + 1, comment, code)        //blank lines
        | "{" -> (whitesp + 1, comment, code)       //opening blocks
        | "}" -> (whitesp + 1, comment, code)       //closing blocks
        | _ when s.StartsWith("#") -> (whitesp + 1, comment, code)  //regions
        | _ when s.StartsWith("//") -> (whitesp, comment + 1, code) //comments
        | _ -> (whitesp, comment, code + 1)

    List.fold_left innerloc (0,0,0) arr


我认为您拥有的很好,但这里有一些可以混合使用的品种。 (此解决方案重复了您忽略尾随空格的问题。)

type Line =
    | Whitespace = 0
    | Comment = 1
    | Code = 2
let Classify (l:string) =         
    let s = l.TrimStart([|' ';'\t'|])
    match s with        
    | "" | "{" | "}" -> Line.Whitespace
    | _ when s.StartsWith("#") -> Line.Whitespace
    | _ when s.StartsWith("//") -> Line.Comment
    | _ -> Line.Code
let Loc (arr:list<_>) =     
    let sums = Array.create 3 0
    |> List.iter (fun line -> 
        let i = Classify line |> int
        sums.[i] <- sums.[i] + 1)


关于c# - 你能在 F# 中改进这个 'lines of code algorithm' 吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/174418/


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