algorithm - 特殊的完美迷宫生成算法

标签 algorithm generator depth-first-search maze


我处理的不是具有房间和墙壁的标准情况,而是处理充满方 block 的单元格网格,我可以在其中从某些单元格中移除方 block :

  • 连接两个给定的单元格(例如,将左上角的单元格连接到左下角的单元格)
  • 为了删除最大块数
  • 每个移除的 block 单元格必须可以使用一种方式相互连接

我使用 DFS 算法来挖掘路径迷宫,但我找不到一种方法来确保给定的两个单元格是相连的。


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这里还有两个 8x8 的例子:





Some nice 1000x1000 solved generated maze



  1. 生成一个随机迷宫,而不考虑是否可以从左上角到达右下角。

  2. 重复步骤 (1),直到出现通往右下角的路径。

我使用两种策略对此进行了编码,一种基于随机深度优先搜索,另一种基于随机广度优先搜索。随机深度优先搜索在大小为 100 × 100 的网格上生成迷宫,其中 82% 的时间可以从左上角到达右下角。使用随机广度优先搜索,在 100 × 100 网格上的成功率约为 70%。所以这个策略看起来确实可行;平均而言,您需要使用 DFS 生成大约 1.2 个迷宫,使用 BFS 生成大约 1.4 个迷宫,然后才能找到一个可行的迷宫。

我用来生成无循环迷宫的机制是基于常规 BFS 和 DFS 思想的概括。在这两种算法中,我们选择了一些位置 (1) 我们还没有访问过但 (2) 与我们拥有的某个地方相邻,然后将新位置添加到以前的位置作为其父位置。也就是说,新添加的位置最终恰好与先前访问过的单元格之一相邻。我使用这条规则调整了这个想法:

Do not convert a full cell to an empty cell if it's adjacent to more than one empty cell.

这个规则确保我们永远不会得到任何循环(如果某物与两个或多个空位置相邻并且我们将其清空,我们通过到达第一个位置创建一个循环,然后移动到新清空的方 block ,然后移动到第二个位置)。

这是一个使用 DFS 方法生成的 30 × 30 迷宫示例:


这是一个使用 BFS 生成的 30 × 30 迷宫示例:



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <random>
using namespace std;

/* World Dimensions */
const size_t kNumRows = 30;
const size_t kNumCols = 30;

/* Location. */
using Location = pair<size_t, size_t>; // (row, col)

/* Adds the given point to the frontier, assuming it's legal to do so. */
void updateFrontier(const Location& loc, vector<string>& maze, vector<Location>& frontier,
                    set<Location>& usedFrontier) {
  /* Make sure we're in bounds. */
  if (loc.first >= maze.size() || loc.second >= maze[0].size()) return;

  /* Make sure this is still a wall. */
  if (maze[loc.first][loc.second] != '#') return;

  /* Make sure we haven't added this before. */
  if (usedFrontier.count(loc)) return;

  /* All good! Add it in. */

/* Given a location, adds that location to the maze and expands the frontier. */
void expandAt(const Location& loc, vector<string>& maze, vector<Location>& frontier,
              set<Location>& usedFrontier) {
  /* Mark the location as in use. */
  maze[loc.first][loc.second] = '.';

  /* Handle each neighbor. */
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first, loc.second + 1), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first, loc.second - 1), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first + 1, loc.second), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first - 1, loc.second), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);

/* Chooses and removes a random element of the frontier. */
Location sampleFrom(vector<Location>& frontier, mt19937& generator) {
  uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist(0, frontier.size() - 1);

  /* Pick our spot. */
  size_t index = dist(generator);

  /* Move it to the end and remove it. */
  swap(frontier[index], frontier.back());

  auto result = frontier.back();
  return result;

/* Returns whether a location is empty. */
bool isEmpty(const Location& loc, const vector<string>& maze) {
  return loc.first < maze.size() && loc.second < maze[0].size() && maze[loc.first][loc.second] == '.';

/* Counts the number of empty neighbors of a given location. */
size_t neighborsOf(const Location& loc, const vector<string>& maze) {
  return !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first - 1, loc.second), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first + 1, loc.second), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first, loc.second - 1), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first, loc.second + 1), maze);

/* Returns whether a location is in bounds. */
bool inBounds(const Location& loc, const vector<string>& world) {
  return loc.first < world.size() && loc.second < world[0].size();

/* Runs a recursive DFS to fill in the maze. */
void dfsFrom(const Location& loc, vector<string>& world, mt19937& generator) {
  /* Base cases: out of bounds? Been here before? Adjacent to too many existing cells? */
  if (!inBounds(loc, world) || world[loc.first][loc.second] == '.' ||
      neighborsOf(loc, world) > 1) return;

  /* All next places. */
  vector<Location> next = {
    { loc.first - 1, loc.second },
    { loc.first + 1, loc.second },
    { loc.first, loc.second - 1 },
    { loc.first, loc.second + 1 }
  shuffle(next.begin(), next.end(), generator);

  /* Mark us as filled. */
  world[loc.first][loc.second] = '.';

  /* Explore! */
  for (const Location& nextStep: next) {
    dfsFrom(nextStep, world, generator);

/* Generates a random maze. */
vector<string> generateMaze(size_t numRows, size_t numCols, mt19937& generator) {
  /* Create the maze. */
  vector<string> result(numRows, string(numCols, '#'));

  /* Build the maze! */
  dfsFrom(Location(0, 0), result, generator);

  return result;

int main() {
  random_device rd;
  mt19937 generator(rd());

  /* Run some trials. */
  size_t numTrials = 0;
  size_t numSuccesses = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

    auto world = generateMaze(kNumRows, kNumCols, generator);

    /* Can we get to the bottom? */
    if (world[kNumRows - 1][kNumCols - 1] == '.') {

      /* Print the first maze that works. */
      if (numSuccesses == 1) {
        for (const auto& row: world) {
          cout << row << endl;
        cout << endl;

  cout << "Trials:    " << numTrials << endl;
  cout << "Successes: " << numSuccesses << endl;
  cout << "Percent:   " << (100.0 * numSuccesses) / numTrials << "%" << endl;

  cout << endl;
  return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <random>
using namespace std;

/* World Dimensions */
const size_t kNumRows = 30;
const size_t kNumCols = 30;

/* Location. */
using Location = pair<size_t, size_t>; // (row, col)

/* Adds the given point to the frontier, assuming it's legal to do so. */
void updateFrontier(const Location& loc, vector<string>& maze, vector<Location>& frontier,
                    set<Location>& usedFrontier) {
  /* Make sure we're in bounds. */
  if (loc.first >= maze.size() || loc.second >= maze[0].size()) return;

  /* Make sure this is still a wall. */
  if (maze[loc.first][loc.second] != '#') return;

  /* Make sure we haven't added this before. */
  if (usedFrontier.count(loc)) return;

  /* All good! Add it in. */

/* Given a location, adds that location to the maze and expands the frontier. */
void expandAt(const Location& loc, vector<string>& maze, vector<Location>& frontier,
              set<Location>& usedFrontier) {
  /* Mark the location as in use. */
  maze[loc.first][loc.second] = '.';

  /* Handle each neighbor. */
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first, loc.second + 1), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first, loc.second - 1), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first + 1, loc.second), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);
  updateFrontier(Location(loc.first - 1, loc.second), maze, frontier, usedFrontier);

/* Chooses and removes a random element of the frontier. */
Location sampleFrom(vector<Location>& frontier, mt19937& generator) {
  uniform_int_distribution<size_t> dist(0, frontier.size() - 1);

  /* Pick our spot. */
  size_t index = dist(generator);

  /* Move it to the end and remove it. */
  swap(frontier[index], frontier.back());

  auto result = frontier.back();
  return result;

/* Returns whether a location is empty. */
bool isEmpty(const Location& loc, const vector<string>& maze) {
  return loc.first < maze.size() && loc.second < maze[0].size() && maze[loc.first][loc.second] == '.';

/* Counts the number of empty neighbors of a given location. */
size_t neighborsOf(const Location& loc, const vector<string>& maze) {
  return !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first - 1, loc.second), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first + 1, loc.second), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first, loc.second - 1), maze) +
         !!isEmpty(Location(loc.first, loc.second + 1), maze);

/* Generates a random maze. */
vector<string> generateMaze(size_t numRows, size_t numCols, mt19937& generator) {
  /* Create the maze. */
  vector<string> result(numRows, string(numCols, '#'));

  /* Worklist of free locations. */
  vector<Location> frontier;

  /* Set of used frontier sites. */
  set<Location> usedFrontier;

  /* Seed the starting location. */
  expandAt(Location(0, 0), result, frontier, usedFrontier);

  /* Loop until there's nothing left to expand. */
  while (!frontier.empty()) {
    /* Select a random frontier location to expand at. */
    Location next = sampleFrom(frontier, generator);

    /* If this spot has exactly one used neighbor, add it. */
    if (neighborsOf(next, result) == 1) {   
      expandAt(next, result, frontier, usedFrontier);

  return result;

int main() {
  random_device rd;
  mt19937 generator(rd());

  /* Run some trials. */
  size_t numTrials = 0;
  size_t numSuccesses = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

    auto world = generateMaze(kNumRows, kNumCols, generator);

    /* Can we get to the bottom? */
    if (world[kNumRows - 1][kNumCols - 1] == '.') {

      /* Print the first maze that works. */
      if (numSuccesses == 1) {
        for (const auto& row: world) {
          cout << row << endl;
        cout << endl;

  cout << "Trials:    " << numTrials << endl;
  cout << "Successes: " << numSuccesses << endl;
  cout << "Percent:   " << (100.0 * numSuccesses) / numTrials << "%" << endl;

  cout << endl;
  return 0;


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