git - 如何在 EGit 中创建适当的新本地和远程分支组合?

标签 git egit

我想在 EGit 中执行以下操作:

$ git checkout -b newbranch
$ git push -u origin newbranch

这为我提供了一个新的本地分支,将其推送到上游服务器并创建正确的跟踪引用。我如何在 EGit 中执行相同的操作?


第一次操作可以看EGit手册《Creating a New Local Branch

Select Team > Switch To... > New Branch

new branch dialog

有关推送,请参阅 Vogella's Egit tutorial ,还有“Push ref specification

push a branch

备注:robinst已开通bug 378960 “允许在 Push Branch 向导中配置上游”(在“EGit - set up remote tracking correctly when creating a branch”中提到)。

The problem is that this (configuring the upstream on push) is not yet done automatically when first pushing a branch.

For now you have to right click on the branch in the Git Repositories view and choose "Configure Branch", where you can set up the upstream configuration.

备注:bug 378960已在 Egit 3.2 中标记为已解决(2014 年 2 月) :

Push Branch / Initial Push wizard simplifies pushing a branch and also allows upstream configuration for new branches created by the push operation:

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