c# - 使用 LINQ(夹具列表)形成锦标赛表

标签 c# .net linq algorithm

我有一组玩家 (string[]),现在我需要得到一组代表游戏的对 (playerN-playerM) 来组织锦标赛表,如下图所示: enter image description here


如何使用 LINQ 以高效的方式执行此操作?

更新: A-B、A-C、A-D 不正确 - 游戏应该能够并行运行。 我需要按照与图片相同的顺序得到结果


以下代码可用于为一组球队生成赛程表,以确保每次都与所有其他球队进行 1 场主场比赛和 1 场客场比赛。




    class Fixture
        public string Home { get; set; }
        public string Away { get; set; }

    void CallCode()
        string players = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D" };
        List<Fixture> fixtures = CalculateFixtures(players);

    List<Fixture> CalculateFixtures(string[] players)
        //create a list of all possible fixtures (order not important)
        List<Fixture> fixtures = new List<Fixture>();
        for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < players.Length; j++)
                if (players[i] != players[j])
                    fixtures.Add(new Fixture() { Home = players[i], Away = players[j] });

        fixtures.Reverse();//reverse the fixture list as we are going to remove element from this and will therefore have to start at the end

        //calculate the number of game weeks and the number of games per week
        int gameweeks = (players.Length - 1) * 2;
        int gamesPerWeek = gameweeks / 2;

        List<Fixture> sortedFixtures = new List<Fixture>();

        //foreach game week get all available fixture for that week and add to sorted list
        for (int i = 0; i < gameweeks; i++)
            sortedFixtures.AddRange(TakeUnique(fixtures, gamesPerWeek));

        return sortedFixtures;

    List<Fixture> TakeUnique(List<Fixture> fixtures, int gamesPerWeek)
        List<Fixture> result = new List<Fixture>();

        //pull enough fixture to cater for the number of game to play
        for (int i = 0; i < gamesPerWeek; i++)
            //loop all fixture to find an unused set of teams
            for (int j = fixtures.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                //check to see if any teams in current fixtue have already been used this game week and ignore if they have
                if (!result.Any(r => r.Home == fixtures[j].Home || r.Away == fixtures[j].Home || r.Home == fixtures[j].Away || r.Away == fixtures[j].Away))
                    //teams not yet used

        return result;

关于c# - 使用 LINQ(夹具列表)形成锦标赛表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838168/


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