c# - Vigenere Square Lookup(使用字符串数组)

标签 c# algorithm encryption pseudocode vigenere

Vigenere 密码据说易于使用(嗯,在某种程度上),但是当将其直接转换为程序代码时,情况就完全不同了。显然。

这是维吉尼亚广场: Vigenere Square from Wikipedia

假设我有一种方法可以使用 Vigenere Square 密码加密文本,同时仍保留空格和特殊字符(或其中的大部分字符)。

static string EncryptedText(string plaintext, string keyword)
    string tempStore = "";
    string KeyToUse = ExpandKey(RemoveAllNonAlpha(plaintext), keyword);
    string[] tempList;
    int iSelector = 0;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < RemoveAllNonAlpha(plaintext).Length; ii++)
        tempList = GetNewAlphaList(KeyToUse[ii].ToString());
        if (RemoveAllNonAlpha(plaintext)[ii].ToString() != " ")
            iSelector = NeverOver26(GetNumericFromLetter(RemoveAllNonAlpha(plaintext)[ii].ToString())) - 1;

            tempStore += tempList[iSelector].ToLower();
            tempStore += " ";

    return ReplaceAllNonAlpha(tempStore, plaintext);


string ExpandKey(string input) => Lengthen the key until it matches the plaintext.

string RemoveAllNonAlpha(string input) => Basically remove anything that is not an alphabet. Uses Regex Replace.

int GetNumericFromLetter(string char) => Just converts a letter to a number, with A = 1, and Z = 26. Adapted version of this accepted answer.

string ReplaceAllNonAlpha(string processed, string original) => Basically it just checks the original string, and then replaces all the non alphabetical characters. It's mainly using a regex string to check if a character is not an alphabet.

int NeverOver26(int input) => Basically it just subtracts 26 from the value whenever it goes over 26.

string[] GetNewAlphaList(string char) => Generates a column or row of the vigenere cipher to lookup from, with the letter passed in being the first letter in the array. For example, if the passed letter is "L", then it returns { "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K" }.

现在,上面的代码片段被发现可以完美地工作,可以说是从字面上翻译自人类使用维吉尼亚方 table 的方式。


static string DecryptedText(string ciphertext, string keyword)
    //Broken, non deciphering
    string tempStore = "";
    string KeyToUse = ExpandKey(RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext), keyword);
    string[] tempList;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext).Length; ii++)
        tempList = GetNewAlphaList(RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext)[ii].ToString());

        for (int iii = 0; iii < tempList.Length; iii++)
            if (tempList[iii].ToString().ToLower() == KeyToUse[ii].ToString().ToLower())
                tempStore+= GetAlphaFromNumber(iii).ToLower();

    return ReplaceAllNonAlpha(tempStore, ciphertext);


string GetAlphaFromNumber(int input) => Does the exact opposite of GetNumericFromLetter() Adapted version of this accepted answer.

已确定问题出在解密方法本身的第二个 for 循环中。这是一种原始查找过程,它只是在与维吉尼亚广场表的行/列相对应的字符串数组中查找。

是逻辑有问题,还是代码本身有问题?伪代码没问题,我承认我不太确定如何使用Vigenere 方表转换为伪代码(然后最终转换为我正在使用的选择语言)





Keyword: LEMON

Output: lxfopv ef rnhr. xcy


Input: lxfopv ef rnhr. xcy

Keyword: LEMON

Output: ahhayq ah xaen. pmp




internal static string DecryptedText(string ciphertext, string keyword)
    string tempStore = "";
    string KeyToUse = ExpandKey(RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext), keyword);
    string[] tempList;
    int iSelector = 0;

    for (int ii = 0; ii < RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext).Length; ii++)
        tempList = GetNewAlphaList(KeyToUse[ii].ToString());

        for (int iii = 0; iii < tempList.Length; iii++)
            ////seperated the two to verify they were not returning the wrong values
            //string FromList = tempList[iii].ToString().ToLower();
            //string FromCipher = RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext)[ii].ToString().ToLower();

            if (tempList[iii].ToString().ToLower() ==  RemoveAllNonAlpha(ciphertext)[ii].ToString().ToLower())//if (FromList == FromCipher)
                tempStore += GetAlphaFromNumber(iii).ToLower();
    return ReplaceAllNonAlpha(tempStore, ciphertext);


Input: this is just a simple test. complete with punctuations galore, wohoo!

Keyword: stackoverflowisthebest

Output: laiu sg eyjy l geuhel xfwl. vgfpnohz azys dqvumbeumggk zanyfz, afmzc!


Input: laiu sg eyjy l geuhel xfwl. vgfpnohz azys dqvumbeumggk zanyfz, afmzc!

Keyword: stackoverflowisthebest

Output: this is just a simple test. complete with punctuations galore, wohoo!


关于c# - Vigenere Square Lookup(使用字符串数组),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33807658/


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