algorithm - 通过位运算符检查一个点是否在矩形内

标签 algorithm geometry bit-manipulation



These are the tricks由肖恩·埃隆·安德森 (Sean Eron Anderson) 编译,他甚至悬赏 10 美元奖励那些能找到一个错误的人。我在这里找到的最接近的东西是一个宏,它可以查找任何整数 X 是否有一个 word,即 between M and N

Determine if a word has a byte between m and n

When m < n, this technique tests if a word x contains an unsigned byte value, such that m < value < n. It uses 7 arithmetic/logical operations when n and m are constant. Note: Bytes that equal n can be reported by likelyhasbetween as false positives, so this should be checked by character if a certain result is needed.

Requirements: x>=0; 0<=m<=127; 0<=n<=128

#define likelyhasbetween(x,m,n) \

This technique would be suitable for a fast pretest. A variation that takes one more operation (8 total for constant m and n) but provides the exact answer is:

#define hasbetween(x,m,n) \

关于algorithm - 通过位运算符检查一个点是否在矩形内,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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