performance - 有没有比这个更好的方法(性能)计算斐波那契?

标签 performance algorithm fibonacci



请帮我评估一下.. plz..

ps: 我真的需要 BigInteger.. 我会计算大量的斐波那契数列


ps3:要运行此代码,您需要使用此 VM 参数 -Xss16384k (StackSize)

public class Fibonacci {

    private static BigInteger[] fibTmp = { BigInteger.valueOf(0), BigInteger.valueOf(1) };

    public static BigInteger fibonacci(long v) {

        BigInteger fib = BigInteger.valueOf(0);

        if (v == 1) {

            fib = BigInteger.valueOf(1);

        } else if (v == 0) {

            fib = BigInteger.valueOf(0);

        } else {

            BigInteger v1 = fibonacci(v - 1);
            BigInteger v2 = fibTmp[(int) (v - 2)];

            fib = v1.add(v2);

        synchronized (fibTmp) {

            if (fibTmp.length - 1 < v)
                fibTmp = Arrays.copyOf(fibTmp, (int) (v + 10));

            fibTmp[(int) v] = fib;

        return fib;


是的,有更好的方法。这是一种经过log(n) 测试的非常有效的方法,可以在给定正整数作为输入的情况下以任意精度计算斐波那契值。该算法改编自 SICP 的解决方案的 exercise 1.19 :

public static BigInteger fibonacci(int n) {

    int count = n;
    BigInteger tmpA, tmpP;
    BigInteger a = BigInteger.ONE;
    BigInteger b = BigInteger.ZERO;
    BigInteger p = BigInteger.ZERO;
    BigInteger q = BigInteger.ONE;
    BigInteger two = new BigInteger("2");

    while (count != 0) {

        if ((count & 1) == 0) {
            tmpP = p.multiply(p).add(q.multiply(q));
            q = two.multiply(p.multiply(q)).add(q.multiply(q));
            p = tmpP;
            count >>= 1;

        else {
            tmpA = b.multiply(q).add(a.multiply(q).add(a.multiply(p)));
            b = b.multiply(p).add(a.multiply(q));
            a = tmpA;


    return b;  


在本书的链接章节中,解释了它是如何工作的(向下滚动到练习 1.19),并指出:

This is a clever algorithm for computing the Fibonacci numbers in a logarithmic number of steps ... This exercise was suggested by Joe Stoy, based on an example in Kaldewaij, Anne. 1990. Programming: The Derivation of Algorithms.

当然,如果需要反复计算相同的值,可以通过 memoizing 进一步提高性能。已经计算出的结果,例如使用 map 存储以前的值。

关于performance - 有没有比这个更好的方法(性能)计算斐波那契?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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