algorithm - 带有扭曲的图形遍历算法 - 最小停止次数

标签 algorithm graph


Professor Gekko has always dreamed of inline skating across North Dakota. He plans to cross the state on highway U.S. 2, which runs from Grand Forks, on the eastern border with Minnesota, to Williston, near the western border with Montana. The professor can carry two liters of water, and he can skate m miles before running out of water. (Because North Dakota is relatively flat, the professor does not have to worry about drinking water at a greater rate on uphill sections than on flat or downhill sections) The professor will start in Grand Forks with two full liters of water. His official North Dakota state map shows all the places along U.S. 2 at which he can refill his water and the distances between these locations.

The professor’s goal is to minimize the number of water stops along his route across the state. Give an efficient method by which he can determine which water stops he should make. Prove that your strategy yields an optimal solution, and give its running time.


我不确定如何进行。我敢打赌以前有人这样做过,但我对 CS 领域还很陌生,需要一些指导。



尝试通过对经过的停靠点数进行归纳来证明以下内容。 经过每个水域位置后,没有其他策略可以减少停留次数,而在停止次数相同的策略中,没有其他策略可以让您留下更多的水。

在 0 站所有策略都是平等的,因此证明该陈述是微不足道的。




如果您对正式证明所需的概念以及如何进行证明感到困惑,请参阅 How I Do Proofs .我还在博客上写了我使用该讲义的经历 here .

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