algorithm - Mathematica 圆柱分解的计算复杂度是多少

标签 algorithm wolfram-mathematica time-complexity space-complexity

数学' CylindricalDecomposition实现了一种称为圆柱代数分解的算法。 Wolfram MathWorld 关于 Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition 的文章表示该算法“对于复杂的不等式在计算上变得不可行。”



Tarski showed that for every formula including quantifiers there is always an equivalent quantifier free formula. Obtaining the latter from the former is called quantifier elimination. (...)

In particular, for the cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD), the number of operations usually scales in a doubly exponential fashion with the number of variables, while the newer methods are doubly exponential in the number of quantifier alternations.

Reference: MIT 6.972 Algebraic techniques and semidefinite optimization by Pablo A. Parrilo

编辑:一篇关于 Mma CAD 算法的好文章 here

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