algorithm - 3-PARTITION问题

标签 algorithm dynamic-programming partition-problem

这是另一个动态规划问题(Vazirani ch6)

Consider the following 3-PARTITION problem. Given integers, we want to determine whether it is possible to partition of {1...n} into three disjoint subsets I, J, K such that

sum(I) = sum(J) = sum(K) = 1/3*sum(ALL)

For example, for input (1; 2; 3; 4; 4; 5; 8) the answer is yes, because there is the partition (1; 8), (4; 5), (2; 3; 4). On the other hand, for input (2; 2; 3; 5) the answer is no. Devise and analyze a dynamic programming algorithm for 3-PARTITION that runs in time poly- nomial in n and (Sum a_i)

我该如何解决这个问题?我知道 2-partition 但还是无法解决


很容易将 2 组解决方案推广到 3 组情况。

在原始版本中,您创建了 bool 值 sums 数组,其中 sums[i] 告诉 i 是否可以用来自设置,或不设置。然后,创建数组后,您只需查看 sums[TOTAL/2] 是否为 true


在 3 分区情况下,您保留 bool 数组 sums,其中 sums[i][j] 告诉第一组是否可以有总和 i 和第二个 - sum j。然后,创建数组后,您只需查看 sums[TOTAL/3][TOTAL/3] 是否为 true


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