algorithm - 如何快速找到最佳投弹区?

标签 algorithm language-agnostic


You're given an image consisting of pixels in four colors. Colours correspond to terrain, enemies, allies and walls. A bomb can be dropped at any coordinate (a pair of integers). You are also given:

  • r - bomb's radius of effect (in pixels, positive integer)
  • e - number of points for killing an enemy
  • a - number of points for killing an ally

(for example r = 10, e = 1, a = -2)

When a bomb is dropped, all enemies and allies in radius (Euclidean distance) are killed, unless there is a wall between them and the bomb (ie. non-antialiased line connecting the soldier with bomb crosses a wall). When the bomb falls on a wall, this specific pixel behaves just like normal terrain. The rest of the wall is still a wall.

You're starting with a score of 0. Find the coordinates where you should drop one bomb to get best score possible. If there are multiple optimal solutions, return any of them.


Example four-colored image

可以找到我得到的原始图像here .



args Map, R, A, E

for (every Soldier)
    create a Heightmap with dimensions of Map
    zero-fill the Heightmap
    on the Heightmap draw a filled circle of value 1 around Soldier with radius R

    if (Soldier is Ally)
        multiply Heightmap by A
        multiply Heightmap by E

add all Heightmaps together
return coordinates of highest point in TotalHeightmap



run the above code to get a TotalHeightmap
create empty PointList

for (every Point in TotalHeightmap)
    create PointObject with properties:
        WallsFlag = False
    add PointObject to PointList

sort PointList by descending Height

until (PointList[0].WallsFlag == True)
    for (every Soldier in radius R from PointList[0])
        if (Bresenham line connecting Soldier with PointList[0] intersects a Wall)
            subtract (A if Soldier is Ally else E) from PointList[0].Height

    set PointList[0].WallsFlag = True
    sort PointList by descending Height

return PointList[0].Coordinates


我正在寻找一个更优雅和快速的解决方案来解决这个问题。你会怎么解决?如果有帮助,我将使用 PIL 在 Python 中实现它。

顺便说一句,我相信我的老师对我在 SO 上发布这个问题没有意见,我相信他甚至希望我讨论它并实现最佳解决方案。




What would be a good solution if there were no walls?


What would be a good solution if there were no walls or enemies?


What would be a good solution if there were no walls or enemies and the bomb's radius was 1?


Given a set of points, position a unit disk to cover the largest number of points possible.

很酷。这感觉像是一个很好的、可靠的、与领域无关的问题,很多人以前肯定遇到过。一些快速的谷歌搜索和哇嘿,我们找到了很多相关资源,包括 this SO question .

在该问题中,已接受的答案提出了一个重要的观察结果:如果我们有一个覆盖最大点数的圆盘,我们可以将该圆盘移动到另一个边缘至少有两个点的圆盘上。因此,如果我们取彼此距离为 2 以内的每一对点,并通过这对点构造两个单位圆(对于 O(n^2) 个圆),那么这些圆中的一个是保证包含尽可能多的点数。

这可以很容易地适应您问题的“无墙”版本。虽然这将是 O(n^3) 天真(可能是 O(n^2) 个圆圈,每个圆圈内可能有 n 个点) ,它可能比典型问题实例中的速度快得多。如果你想聪明点,看看固定半径最近邻问题(我能找到的最好的论文是 here 但不幸的是没有公开版本)。



  1. 本地图上只有一个“像素”墙时,找到在单位距离和视线内同时使点数最多的位置。

  2. 本地图上有一面直墙时,找到在单位距离和视线内同时最大化点数的位置。

  3. 当墙壁在 map 上形成一个单一的空心正方形时,找到单位距离和视线内同时点数最多的位置。

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