Git LFS 跳过文件

标签 git git-lfs

我实际上正在努力将我的大型文件移动到 Git LFS。我已经成功推送了一组文件。

在之前的提交中,我创建了一个只有一个文件的新提交,当我使用 git lfs push 命令时,我得到了这个输出:

Git LFS: (0 of 0 files, 1 skipped) 0 B / 6.53 KB



我一直与 JFrog 支持来回交流,并提供了该问题的一些关键信息: looks like you may have Anonymous Access enabled. If this is the case, then you are indeed running into this bug which is scheduled to be released by Q1 of this year in Artifactory 5.0.So far, the only workarounds from Artifactory’s end are to disable anonymous access completely or to have the git credentials stored in your git config file. For the latter solution, this will need to be done per user and repository, which may not be ideal depending on the amount of users and repos that use GitLFS. You can write to the config manually or temporarily disable anonymous access so that when a 401 is returned, LFS automatically writes to the config file.


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