algorithm - 如何找到直线和矩形之间的交点?

标签 algorithm geometry line intersection

我有一条线,从 A 点到 B 点;我有两个点的 (x,y)。我还有一个以 B 为中心的矩形以及矩形的宽度和高度。

我需要找到与矩形相交的直线中的点。是否有公式可以给出该点的 (x,y)?


 * Finds the intersection point between
 *     * the rectangle
 *       with parallel sides to the x and y axes 
 *     * the half-line pointing towards (x,y)
 *       originating from the middle of the rectangle
 * Note: the function works given min[XY] <= max[XY],
 *       even though minY may not be the "top" of the rectangle
 *       because the coordinate system is flipped.
 * Note: if the input is inside the rectangle,
 *       the line segment wouldn't have an intersection with the rectangle,
 *       but the projected half-line does.
 * Warning: passing in the middle of the rectangle will return the midpoint itself
 *          there are infinitely many half-lines projected in all directions,
 *          so let's just shortcut to midpoint (GIGO).
 * @param x:Number x coordinate of point to build the half-line from
 * @param y:Number y coordinate of point to build the half-line from
 * @param minX:Number the "left" side of the rectangle
 * @param minY:Number the "top" side of the rectangle
 * @param maxX:Number the "right" side of the rectangle
 * @param maxY:Number the "bottom" side of the rectangle
 * @param validate:boolean (optional) whether to treat point inside the rect as error
 * @return an object with x and y members for the intersection
 * @throws if validate == true and (x,y) is inside the rectangle
 * @author TWiStErRob
 * @licence Dual CC0/WTFPL/Unlicence, whatever floats your boat
 * @see <a href="">source</a>
 * @see <a href="">based on</a>
function pointOnRect(x, y, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, validate) {
	//assert minX <= maxX;
	//assert minY <= maxY;
	if (validate && (minX < x && x < maxX) && (minY < y && y < maxY))
		throw "Point " + [x,y] + "cannot be inside "
		    + "the rectangle: " + [minX, minY] + " - " + [maxX, maxY] + ".";
	var midX = (minX + maxX) / 2;
	var midY = (minY + maxY) / 2;
	// if (midX - x == 0) -> m == ±Inf -> minYx/maxYx == x (because value / ±Inf = ±0)
	var m = (midY - y) / (midX - x);

	if (x <= midX) { // check "left" side
		var minXy = m * (minX - x) + y;
		if (minY <= minXy && minXy <= maxY)
			return {x: minX, y: minXy};

	if (x >= midX) { // check "right" side
		var maxXy = m * (maxX - x) + y;
		if (minY <= maxXy && maxXy <= maxY)
			return {x: maxX, y: maxXy};

	if (y <= midY) { // check "top" side
		var minYx = (minY - y) / m + x;
		if (minX <= minYx && minYx <= maxX)
			return {x: minYx, y: minY};

	if (y >= midY) { // check "bottom" side
		var maxYx = (maxY - y) / m + x;
		if (minX <= maxYx && maxYx <= maxX)
			return {x: maxYx, y: maxY};

	// edge case when finding midpoint intersection: m = 0/0 = NaN
	if (x === midX && y === midY) return {x: x, y: y};

	// Should never happen :) If it does, please tell me!
	throw "Cannot find intersection for " + [x,y]
	    + " inside rectangle " + [minX, minY] + " - " + [maxX, maxY] + ".";

(function tests() {
	var left = 100, right = 200, top = 50, bottom = 150; // a square, really
	var hMiddle = (left + right) / 2, vMiddle = (top + bottom) / 2;
	function intersectTestRect(x, y) { return pointOnRect(x,y, left,top, right,bottom, true); }
	function intersectTestRectNoValidation(x, y) { return pointOnRect(x,y, left,top, right,bottom, false); }
	function checkTestRect(x, y) { return function() { return pointOnRect(x,y, left,top, right,bottom, true); }; }
	QUnit.test("intersects left side", function(assert) {
		var leftOfRect = 0, closerLeftOfRect = 25;
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(leftOfRect, 25), {x:left, y:75}, "point above top");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(closerLeftOfRect, top), {x:left, y:80}, "point in line with top");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(leftOfRect, 70), {x:left, y:90}, "point above middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(leftOfRect, vMiddle), {x:left, y:100}, "point exact middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(leftOfRect, 130), {x:left, y:110}, "point below middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(closerLeftOfRect, bottom), {x:left, y:120}, "point in line with bottom");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(leftOfRect, 175), {x:left, y:125}, "point below bottom");
	QUnit.test("intersects right side", function(assert) {
		var rightOfRect = 300, closerRightOfRect = 250;
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(rightOfRect, 25), {x:right, y:75}, "point above top");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(closerRightOfRect, top), {x:right, y:75}, "point in line with top");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(rightOfRect, 70), {x:right, y:90}, "point above middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(rightOfRect, vMiddle), {x:right, y:100}, "point exact middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(rightOfRect, 130), {x:right, y:110}, "point below middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(closerRightOfRect, bottom), {x:right, y:125}, "point in line with bottom");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(rightOfRect, 175), {x:right, y:125}, "point below bottom");
	QUnit.test("intersects top side", function(assert) {
		var aboveRect = 0;
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(80, aboveRect), {x:115, y:top}, "point left of left");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left, aboveRect), {x:125, y:top}, "point in line with left");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(120, aboveRect), {x:135, y:top}, "point left of middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(hMiddle, aboveRect), {x:150, y:top}, "point exact middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(180, aboveRect), {x:165, y:top}, "point right of middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right, aboveRect), {x:175, y:top}, "point in line with right");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(220, aboveRect), {x:185, y:top}, "point right of right");
	QUnit.test("intersects bottom side", function(assert) {
		var belowRect = 200;
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(80, belowRect), {x:115, y:bottom}, "point left of left");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left, belowRect), {x:125, y:bottom}, "point in line with left");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(120, belowRect), {x:135, y:bottom}, "point left of middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(hMiddle, belowRect), {x:150, y:bottom}, "point exact middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(180, belowRect), {x:165, y:bottom}, "point right of middle");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right, belowRect), {x:175, y:bottom}, "point in line with right");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(220, belowRect), {x:185, y:bottom}, "point right of right");
	QUnit.test("intersects a corner", function(assert) {
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left-50, top-50), {x:left, y:top}, "intersection line aligned with top-left corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right+50, top-50), {x:right, y:top}, "intersection line aligned with top-right corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left-50, bottom+50), {x:left, y:bottom}, "intersection line aligned with bottom-left corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right+50, bottom+50), {x:right, y:bottom}, "intersection line aligned with bottom-right corner");
	QUnit.test("on the corners", function(assert) {
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left, top), {x:left, y:top}, "top-left corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right, top), {x:right, y:top}, "top-right corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right, bottom), {x:right, y:bottom}, "bottom-right corner");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left, bottom), {x:left, y:bottom}, "bottom-left corner");
	QUnit.test("on the edges", function(assert) {
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(hMiddle, top), {x:hMiddle, y:top}, "top edge");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(right, vMiddle), {x:right, y:vMiddle}, "right edge");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(hMiddle, bottom), {x:hMiddle, y:bottom}, "bottom edge");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRect(left, vMiddle), {x:left, y:vMiddle}, "left edge");
	QUnit.test("validates inputs", function(assert) {
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle-10, vMiddle-10), /cannot be inside/, "top left of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle-10, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "left of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle-10, vMiddle+10), /cannot be inside/, "bottom left of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, vMiddle-10), /cannot be inside/, "above center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, vMiddle+10), /cannot be inside/, "below center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle+10, vMiddle-10), /cannot be inside/, "top right of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle+10, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "right of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle+10, vMiddle+10), /cannot be inside/, "bottom right of center");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(left+10, vMiddle-10), /cannot be inside/, "right of left edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(left+10, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "right of left edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(left+10, vMiddle+10), /cannot be inside/, "right of left edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(right-10, vMiddle-10), /cannot be inside/, "left of right edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(right-10, vMiddle), /cannot be inside/, "left of right edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(right-10, vMiddle+10), /cannot be inside/, "left of right edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle-10, top+10), /cannot be inside/, "below top edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, top+10), /cannot be inside/, "below top edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle+10, top+10), /cannot be inside/, "below top edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle-10, bottom-10), /cannot be inside/, "above bottom edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle, bottom-10), /cannot be inside/, "above bottom edge");
		assert.throws(checkTestRect(hMiddle+10, bottom-10), /cannot be inside/, "above bottom edge");
	QUnit.test("doesn't validate inputs", function(assert) {
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle-10, vMiddle-10), {x:left, y:top}, "top left of center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle-10, vMiddle), {x:left, y:vMiddle}, "left of center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle-10, vMiddle+10), {x:left, y:bottom}, "bottom left of center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle, vMiddle-10), {x:hMiddle, y:top}, "above center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle, vMiddle), {x:hMiddle, y:vMiddle}, "center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle, vMiddle+10), {x:hMiddle, y:bottom}, "below center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle+10, vMiddle-10), {x:right, y:top}, "top right of center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle+10, vMiddle), {x:right, y:vMiddle}, "right of center");
		assert.deepEqual(intersectTestRectNoValidation(hMiddle+10, vMiddle+10), {x:right, y:bottom}, "bottom right of center");
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