linux - `------rwx`是什么意思

标签 linux


我知道最后三个字符表示每个人都有 R/W/X 的权限。大家是谁?每个人都包含用户和组成员吗?如果不是,为什么我们要这样的模式?谁能给我一个我需要的例子?


   + ------------------ User Permissions Read
   | + ---------------- User Permissions Write
   | | + -------------- User Permissions Execute
   | | | + ------------ Group Permissions Read
   | | | | + ---------- Group Permissions Write
   | | | | | + -------- Group Permissions Execute
   | | | | | | + ------ Other Permissions Read
   | | | | | | | + ---- Other Permissions Write
   | | | | | | | | + -- Other Permissions Execute
   | | | | | | | | |
   r w x r w x r w x

   User Permissions: The user that own the file.
   Group Permissions: The group the file belongs to.
   Other Permissions: The other users i.e. everyone else.

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