linux - 值之间的 Awk 线

标签 linux unix awk gawk

我有一个类似的 infile:

1 And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint.
2 Nah.
3 Oh, sir, it's only a tiny, little, thin one.
4 No. ****** off. I'm full.
5 Oh, sir. Hmm? It's only wafer thin.
6 Look. I couldn't eat another thing. I'm absolutely stuffed. Bugger off.
7 Oh, sir, just-- just one.
8 All right. Just one. 
9 Just the one, monsieur. Voilà.


awk '$1 >1 && $1 < 4 || $1 > 5 && $1 < 8' infile


2 Nah.
3 Oh, sir, it's only a tiny, little, thin one.
6 Look. I couldn't eat another thing. I'm absolutely stuffed. Bugger off.
7 Oh, sir, just-- just one.


awk '$1 > 10510000 && $1 < 12390000 || $1 < 2709520 || $1 > 57443438 || $1 > 20680000 && < 20930000'


awk: $1 > 10510000 && $1 < 12390000 || $1 < 2709520 || $1 > 57443438 || $1 > 20680000 && < 20930000
awk:                                                                                     ^ syntax error



awk: $1 > 10510000 && ... || $1 > 20680000 && < 20930000
awk:                                          ^ syntax error

因为你有 && < 20930000而不是 && $1 < 20930000 ,假设您要比较的是 1 美元。

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