c++ - 为什么 pthread_getname_np() 在 Linux 的线程中失败?

标签 c++ linux multithreading linux-kernel pthreads


void *Thread_Function_A(void *thread_arg)

  char buf[7];

  int rc;  

  pthread_t self;

  self = pthread_self ();

  rc = pthread_getname_np(self, buf,7);

  if ( rc != 0 )
  cout<<"Failed getting the name"<<endl;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int rc;
   pid_t thread_pid_val = getpid();
   thread_1.create_thread((thread_1.get_thread_id()), NULL,Thread_Function_A,&thread_pid_val);
   thread_2.create_thread((thread_2.get_thread_id()), NULL,Thread_Function_A,&thread_pid_val);
   rc = pthread_setname_np(*(thread_1.get_thread_id()), "Thread_A");
   if( rc != 0)
     cout<<"Setting name for thread A failed"<<endl; 
   rc = pthread_setname_np(*(thread_2.get_thread_id()), "Thread_B");
   if( rc != 0)
     cout<<"Setting name for thread B failed"<<endl; 
   pthread_join( *(thread_1.get_thread_id()), NULL);
   pthread_join( *(thread_2.get_thread_id()), NULL);

   return  0;   


Failed getting the nameFailed getting the name

The name of thread is The name of thread is 

strerror 说 - 数值结果超出范围 错误=34


void *Thread_Function_A(void *thread_arg)

  char name[300];
  char buf[200];

  int rc;  
  char message[100];

  FILE *fp;

  pthread_t self;

  self = pthread_self ();

  rc = pthread_getname_np(self, buf,200);

  if ( rc != 0 )
    cout<<"Failed getting the name"<<endl;
    cerr<<"Pthread get name error ="<<rc<< " " << strerror(rc) << endl;  


  cout<<"The name of thread is "<<buf<<endl;

  fp = fopen(name,"w+");

  for( int i = 1; i<=5; i++)
    sprintf(message,"The thread id is %d  and value of i is %d",pthread_self(),i);

    fprintf(fp,"%s\n", message);
    /** local variable will not be shared actually**/
    /** each thread should execute the loop for 5 **/
    /** total prints should be 10 **/



int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int rc;
   pthread_t threadA, threadB;
   pid_t thread_pid_val = getpid();
   thread_1.create_thread(&threadA, NULL,Thread_Function_A,&thread_pid_val);
   rc = pthread_setname_np(threadA, "Thread_A");
   if( rc != 0)
     cout<<"Setting name for thread A failed"<<endl; 

   thread_2.create_thread(&threadB, NULL,Thread_Function_A,&thread_pid_val);
   rc = pthread_setname_np(threadB, "Thread_B");
   if( rc != 0)
     cout<<"Setting name for thread B failed"<<endl; 
   pthread_join( threadA, NULL);
   pthread_join( threadB, NULL);

   return  0;   


]$ ./thread_basic.out 
The name of thread is thread_basic.ou
The name of thread is Thread_B



man 3 pthread_getname_np

The pthread_getname_np() function can be used to retrieve the name of the thread. The thread argument specifies the thread whose name is to be retrieved. The buffer name is used to return the thread name; len specifies the number of bytes available in name. The buffer specified by name should be at least 16 characters in length. The returned thread name in the output buffer will be null terminated.

char buf[7];


关于c++ - 为什么 pthread_getname_np() 在 Linux 的线程中失败?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20975829/


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