python - 如何使用 python pynput 和 opencv 检测 linux 键盘上的按键组合?

标签 python linux opencv keypress pynput

我正在从事一个关于在 Linux 平台上创建自主驱动程序的项目。我需要在特定时间捕捉键盘上按下的键,尤其是当它们同时按下时。我写的这段代码在 windows 中工作得很好,但在 linux 中就不太好了:

import time
import cv2
import mss
import numpy as np
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener

def up():
    print("Go up")

def down():
    print("Go down")

def left():
    print("Go left")

def right():
    print("Go right")

def up_left():
    print("Go up_left")

def up_right():
    print("Go up_right")

def down_left():
    print("Go down_left")

def down_right():
    print("Go down_right")

def do_nothing():
    print("Do Nothing")

# Create a mapping of keys to function (use frozenset as sets are not hashable - so they can't be used as keys)

# The keys combinatons to check

combination_to_function = {
    frozenset([Key.up]): up,
    frozenset([Key.down, ]): down,
    frozenset([Key.left, ]): left,
    frozenset([Key.right, ]): right,
    frozenset([Key.up, Key.left]): up_left,
    frozenset([Key.up, Key.right]): up_right,
    frozenset([Key.down, Key.left]): down_left,
    frozenset([Key.down, Key.right]): down_right,

# Currently pressed keys
current_keys = set()

def on_press(key):
    # When a key is pressed, add it to the set we are keeping track of and check if this set is in the dictionary
    if frozenset(current_keys) in combination_to_function:
        # If the current set of keys are in the mapping, execute the function

def on_release(key):
    # When a key is released, remove it from the set of keys we are keeping track of
    if key in current_keys:

def process_img(original_img):
    processed_img = cv2.cvtColor(original_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    processed_img = cv2.Canny(processed_img, threshold1=200, threshold2=300)
    return processed_img

with mss.mss() as sct:
    # Part of the screen to capture
    monitor = {"top": 0, "left": 70, "width": 640, "height": 480}

    while True:
        listener = Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release)
        last_time = time.time()
        # key_catcher = MockButton()
        # Get raw pixels from the screen, save it to a Numpy array
        screen = np.array(sct.grab(monitor))
        new_screen = process_img(original_img=screen)

        # Display the picture
        cv2.imshow("Window", new_screen)

        # print("Loop took {} seconds".format(time.time() - last_time))
        # Press "q" to quit

        k = cv2.waitKey(10)

        if k & 0xFF == ord("q"):


go_upgo_down ... 函数只是象征性的,我想编写其他代码来将按下的键转换为用于机器学习过程的向量。

例如,如果我在键盘上按 w,我希望得到这样的矢量:

 w   s   a   d   wa  wd  sa  sd  nk
[1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0 ]

当我同时按下 wa 时,我希望这样:

 w   s   a   d   wa  wd  sa  sd  nk
[0   0   0   0   1   0   0   0   0 ]

无论如何,代码在 Linux 中运行得不够好。程序在运行一段时间后遇到了一些问题。程序运行一段时间后,终端停止提供输出。谁能帮我提高这段代码在 Linux 中的效率??


我不知道你想用你的 key_check() 做什么但我希望您可以使用 cv2.waitKey() 做同样的事情


with Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release) as listener:

     # your loop


listener = pynput.Listener(on_press=on_press, on_release=on_release)

# your loop


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