linux - 多变量定义和赋值

标签 linux bash




# This script prints a little histogram of how much space 
# the directories in the current working directory use

error () {
echo "Error: $1"
exit $2
} >&2

# Create a tempfile (in a BSD- and Linux-friendly way)
my_mktemp () {
mktemp  || mktemp -t hist
} 2> /dev/null

# check we are using bash 4
(( BASH_VERSINFO[0] < 4 )) && error "This script can only be run by bash 4 or higher" 1

# An array to keep all the file sizes
declare -A file_sizes
declare -r tempfile=$(my_mktemp) || error "Cannot create tempfile" 2

# How wide is the terminal?
declare -ir term_cols=$(tput cols)

# Longest file name, Largest file, total file size
declare -i max_name_len=0 max_size=0 total_size=0

# A function to draw a line
drawline () {
declare line=""
declare char="-"
for (( i=0; i<$1; ++i )); do
printf "%s" "$line"

# This reads the output from du into an array
# And calculates total size and maximum size, max filename length
read_filesizes () {
while read -r size name; do
(( total_size += size ))
(( max_size < size )) && (( max_size=size ))
(( max_file_len < ${#name} )) && (( max_file_len=${#name} ))

# run du to get filesizes
# Using a temporary file for output from du
{ du -d 0 */ || du --max-depth 0 *; } 2>/dev/null > "$tempfile"
read_filesizes <  "$tempfile"

# The length for each line and percentage for each file
declare -i length percentage
# How many columns may the lines take up?
declare -i cols="term_cols - max_file_len - 10"

for k in "${!file_sizes[@]}"; do
(( length=cols * file_sizes[$k] / max_size ))
(( percentage=100 * file_sizes[$k] / total_size ))
printf "%-${max_file_len}s | %3d%% | %s\n" "$k" "$percentage" $(drawline $length)

printf "%d Directories\n" "${#file_sizes[@]}"
printf "Total size: %d blocks\n" "$total_size"

# clean up
rm "$tempfile"
exit 0

read_filesizes()的第一行和第二行我用粗体突出显示的函数,为什么两个变量 (size name)如果 name 正在创建正在分配给 size在数组中?

在同一个函数中,(( max_size < size )) && (( max_size=size ))这条线对我来说似乎很奇怪,因为这两个表达式怎么可能都是真的?

然后在for循环的第一行,(( **length=cols** * file_sizes[$k] / max_size ))我不明白为什么变量 length分配给 cols ..为什么一开始就分别定义它们?


虽然我不是 100% 确定语法,但它似乎足以回答您的问题:


why are two variables (size name) being created if the name is being assigned to size in the array?



(( max_size < size )) && (( max_size=size ))

我相信这一行指定了 sizemax_size如果以前的值为 max_size小于 size .目标是最后 max_size将容纳最大文件的大小。


(( length=cols * file_sizes[$k] / max_size ))

这将计算为每个文件显示的行的长度(其目标可能是说明文件与最大文件相比的相对大小)。行的长度与文件的大小有关。 cols是为最大文件(大小为 max_size 的文件)显示的行的长度。 cols = 终端的长度 - 最长文件名的长度 - 10.

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