
标签 php linux pecl igbinary

我在 Webuzo (centos-6-x86_64.openvz) 的 /usr/local/apps/php54/ 中有一个 php 实例。它已经在 /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/ 中有 pecl 和 phpize。使用命令安装igbinary时

`/usr/local/apps/php54/bin/pecl install igbinary`


"WARNING: php_bin /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/php appears to have a suffix 54/bin/php, 
 but config variable php_suffix does not match"


# /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/pecl install igbinary
downloading igbinary-1.2.1.tar ...
Starting to download igbinary-1.2.1.tar (Unknown size)
..........................done: 229,376 bytes
9 source files, building
WARNING: php_bin /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/php appears to have a suffix 54/bin/php, but   config variable php_suffix does not match
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20100412
Zend Module Api No:      20100525
Zend Extension Api No:   220100525
shtool at '/tmp/pear/temp/igbinary/build/shtool' does not exist or is not executable.
Make sure that the file exists and is executable and then rerun this script.

ERROR: `phpize' failed

这是 pecl 的配置列表:sudo/usr/local/apps/php54/bin/pecl config-show

PHP CLI/CGI binary             php_bin          /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/php
php.ini location               php_ini          /etc/php.ini
--program-prefix passed to     php_prefix       <not set>
PHP's ./configure
--program-suffix passed to     php_suffix       <not set>

我已经使用 sudo pear config-set php_suffix 54/bin/php 将 php_suffix 设置为 /usr/local/apps/php54/bin/php 但这会导致phpize 失败。


更新 pecl 的 temp_dir

mkdir /root/tmp
pear config-set temp_dir /root/tmp


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